Thursday, May 27, 2021


  Imagine you walk out of your home and suddenly you're attacked by a swarm of bees,  you take off running to your car, get in, doors shut, windows up, you're safe.  No... too late, you've been stung many times. You're allergic, face is swollen,  hard to breathe, you can't talk or yell for help, you start the car and head for the ER. By now your airway swollen, can't breathe. You pass out, run off the road, flip your car several times, head trauma, broken neck, now paralyzed and in a coma. Keep reading... 
At the hospital,  your family comes in, sad but they now have to make a decision, keep you on life support or pull the plug? No one wants the burden of taking care of you. You can't stay in the hospital, cant afford a caretaker or nursing home. You still could possibly recover but you aren't given a chance. They decided to not risk it and pull the plug. 
Hind sight is 20/20 but too late for all that. You knew the bees were there, but you didn't take precaution"... You know youre allergic to bees but you don't carry an epi pen. You have an older car without air bags, you don't wear your seat belt. You have nothing written that tells your family or doctors what your wishes are in such a situation. You pretty much fucked yourself but it's no longer your decision. Someone else has now decided to terminate your life "to keep you from suffering" .

 Is it fair? Let's make it a law that says anyone this happens to we pull the plug. From now on we decide it's much easier to just pull the life support. Even if you're showing signs of improvement,  we can't take the risk, pull the plug.

Society doesn't work that way because that could be any one of us on life support. Too many want the chance to fight. Too many don't want to be without their loved ones. No one would ever or let me say no one in their right mind would ever choose to end they're before given a chance to make it better. So society goes after the things that cause this situation and attack those. We make cars safer, science developed antidotes and epi pens. We have exterminators to get rid of hornets and wasps. Rather than attack the victim, we decided to go after the things that created the victim. Why? because we can defend ourselves and prevent things from happening to us. We aren't imprisoned somewhere that we can't defend or help ourselves.

 Accidents still happen, things out of our control. In those situations can we still pull the plug without giving you a chance? Please, please! I mean what if you're a vegetable the rest of your life? That means someone has the burden of taking care of you, but it's not about us it's about you. You would be unpleasant. You could even be abused. We should just pull the plug so you don't suffer.
but NOOO, you still have some rights. If you're breathing and heart beating... even though you can't respond to us, if we kill you it's murder. We have to take care of you and give you the chance to recover.

What if we did that with babies? What if we attacked the causes and not the victim? What if we put all of our efforts into preventing the pregnancy BEFORE it happens rather than TERMINATING it after it happens?

 Make penalties very severe for rape, put more effort into finding what makes people commit rape and stop it. Research better, more convenient methods of birth control, better educate children on birth control, work on bringing families back together and discourage single parenting rather than reward it. Work toward having healthy relationships. Instill values in our kids where we don't have so many unwanted or teen pregnancies, teach love and not hate, create self esteem instead of selfishness, adhere to principles like all life is precious, not one above the other. Ban toxic chemicals that cause birth defects, better regulations on corporations that use these chemicals, end political careers of people who allow these things, get back control of our lives, our environment, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, how we interact with one another, raise responsible adults instead of spoiled little assholes.  Get back to the ideals of wanting to start a family of your own. Have goals, have standards, principles and values.  Know who you want to start that family with stop settling for less. Wait and plan for the baby, be there, nurture and raise the child letting it know it can be anything it wants to be. Teach it to be loving and caring, give it value and morals. 

Why don't we go after and focus on these things instead of an innocent, defenseless human life?

Why? because it's so much easier to just jerk it out, cut it up, throw it away, go home, pop a pain pill and start texting away telling friends the trauma you just had to go thru and get a little needed attention.

I'm sure you will say that's stupid, it's not the same and has nothing to do with abortion. In ways it's isn't the same but in some ways it is. The main difference is that we will put effort into saving our own ass but don't give two shits about anybody else, especially an ugly, slimy, half cooked embryo we never met.  Sad that there are those that will never open their mind enough to see another side. People name all these consequences resulting from the birth of an unwanted baby, things it will pay the price for. Things like addiction, birth defects, childhood trauma, etc. Then those are the things we should be eliminating and finding solutions for rather than accepting those things and terminate an innocent baby.

 I've heard the argument about pregnancies where the mother is in danger, the baby dies in the womb and how it's a woman's body. Well, only a little over 7 percent of abortions are for those reasons people use when arguing in support of abortion. The other 92 percent of abortions are for unwanted pregnancies. As for it being a woman's body, it's not her body that's being aborted and thrown away. If it were I bet that woman would be making an entirely different decision. Just because you have been in existence longer than the baby inside you, do you think that makes your life more precious or deserving? If you do and you ever find yourself in a situation where emergency teams are calling for women and children first to be saved, if you don't give your seat away to any gentleman that is older than you, then you are a hypocrite.

The entire argument is an issue of priorities, misplaced or not, for both sides of the argument whether anyone cares to see that or not. Every decision made in the whole process from the before the first child was ever conceived to until we figure this shit out and get it under control is nothing but priorities or what happens to be the most important to the person in charge of making the decision.

Out of positive thoughts and positive actions come positive results.

LWH 2021 

1 comment:

  1. I don't agree with some of this. It is easy to think about safe practices. Would have, should have and consequences do apply. Pulling the plug on someone due to situations that cause them to be on life support is not only made from a decision of obligation or responsibility to care for the person on life support but it also involves feelings. It doesn't allow the loved ones to move on. 30 days..if I haven't been able to come off life support in 30 days pull the plug. Let me go and move on with your life.

    Abortion, this shouldn't be allowed to be used as a form of birth control. If I am not mistaken there have been limits placed on how many can be performed.As with anything there is always a way around any limits required. No one knows what or why the woman can choose to follow through with aborting a life. A person will do what a person wants to regardless. Back wood abortions often killed mother and baby. Legalized abortion allows a better out come. An unwanted child could suffer in ways that as a human you could not imagine.

    Agree to disagree on this one.


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