Tuesday, May 25, 2021

I am

I recently read something where a woman was arrested at a local church. Curious as to what someone would do at a church to warrant the church calling to have the woman arrested and taken off the premises, I had to find out.

Digging a little deeper I came across a YouTube video this woman had made telling her side of the story which is the only side I ever heard.

After watching the video, it seems this lady had a vision from God come to get one night. Listening to the lady, it wasn't hard to determine that she is very dedicated in her practice of her religion and a belief in God. She attended this church service with her family every Sunday and seemed to put a lot of faith in the pastor and sermons, so much so that she felt it compelling to tell the pastor about this "message" she had received from God. After several attempts at contacting the pastor via phone, text and email with no success, she decides to go by the church office one day. After waiting in the office for some time, she was allowed into the office of an associate pastor who was familiar with her situation. She never said in the video what the message entailed so at this point I have no idea if it was something worth hearing or something completely crazy. The associate pastor and anyone else who was familiar with the situation had obviously determined that what she needed to tell the main pastor of the church was not important enough for her to be allowed to have a visit with him. My first response to that was how odd it seemed for a person to be denied meeting with her pastor regardless of what the meeting wear about but also how at this point the leaders of the church had obviously determined what she had to say nobody there wanted to hear it and she was asked to leave. 

She left with reservation and at this point somewhat upset about how she had been denied seeing her pastor. I probably would have been also but she was to the point of thinking it was her right to see him as if it were something she bought and paid for, most likely because she claimed she was a member and tithed regularly. I'm not a member of a church nor do I tithed regularly to a church so I don't know how that actually works as far as any rights you may have. She however felt she had the right and was determined to see the pastor.

I think at this point it had now become a mission of simply seeing the pastor and less important her reason for seeing him. She stated she went to church services the following Sunday and according to her, she made her usual entrance and yes she has a specific way she enters the church because of her enthusiasm with worshipping God. It was after hearing this that my thinking started to shift from being on her side to thinking maybe the church wasn't so harsh in their decisions about what or not to allow this woman on the property at all.

Apparently when she gets to church she becomes excited or filled with the holy spirit. She makes it a point to go down the aisles and high five everyone and share her excitement. She has her place on the front row where she can show her dedication and be heard. Well before she could make it to her usual place on the front row she was greeted by a young lady who asked her to walk out to the lobby where they could talk in private and not disturb others. The woman denied and asked the young lady who she was and why. From the ladies tone she had at this point in the video telling her side, I could tell that things weren't going to go well from there. Long story short, she was escorted out of the church in handcuffs and taken away.

Now I wasn't there so I can't say one way or the other who was right or wrong. I assume she never got to see the pastor or give him this message she had gotten from God. I do know she's not done though and at this point it's become more about giving the public her message about how she has been treated and not do much about telling anyone about the message from God. This is my opinion on that, as far as letting others know about something I believe in or feel strongly about. How far to I have a right to go to make sure others hear that message.

Myself nor anyone else has verifiable proof in the existence of God or a God. There are over 4000 different religions in the world, not one of them is more credible than the other. That makes religion, practicing a certain religion or worshipping a certain God a personal choice. It's a personal choice to attend a church or Sunday service.

 People attend for many reasons. The pastor at any church is there to share his interpretation of the God he chooses to worship. It is a person's personal choice whether or not to hear that message. Just because a person feels that their God has spoken to them, that doesn't mean they now have a right to force that message  onto others. They have a right to share their message in a place that doesn't cause disruption to others to whoever wants to hear it and makes a personal choice to do so but no one is obligated in any way where they must hear what someone had to say.
 This lady attended this church to hear that pastor each week share the message he received from the God he worshipped, but he is in no way obligated to hear her message. He may not believe in a God that has spoken to her and she has no right to force that on him or anyone else. Was it rude that he nor any of his staff bother to hear what she had to say? I think so. To me that's not appropriate or Christian like behavior, which Christianity happened to be the religion everyone involved claimed to practice. If she would have been treated differently in the beginning and had the pastor at least replied to her in some way, I think all the disruption leading up to the woman being arrested could have been avoided.

Still, I don't know what this message was that this lady apparently received from God. During her video she kept referring to God as him and speaking in a way that "he" regularly tells her what to do. That scares me in a way because someone with that strong of a belief and determination can be also just as determined in their efforts to carry out the wishes of this God, doing what "he" tells them to do.

I personally believe there is a higher power that is responsible for all creation. It is not a him or her. I believe it is a collective power where we do not exist without it and it cannot exist without us. The bible says when God created man, it was stated "let us create man in our own image". The power that I believe in is verified by that statement. We exist because of this power and this power exists in us.

  It was stated to Moses when he asked "who shall I tell them gave me these commandments?" He was told "tell them I am". If you believe in the Trinity then you believe that God is the Father, the son and the holy spirit so therefore Jesus was God on earth in human form. When asked if he was God, he stated "just know me as I am".
So you see, according to the bible and how a in person interprets it, God can be much more than a "him" in heaven.

 God is a name given to this power in Christianity. There are several names given to this power but none claimed by this power. It was given to us as "I am" . We were created in the image of "we are". We are to believe in "I am" and I  have the same as " we are". 
I gain power through a firm belief and faith in Jesus who testified to be the same as I am. I am as he, he is as I am. Everyone is as I am.

We are all created in Gods image, we are told to be like Jesus, it is only through Jesus and our belief in what he has given us that we can achieve our true purpose. It's as if this power some call God came to earth in it's pure form as an example of what we are supposed to be, to show us what we are truly capable of and told this is the only way to get to that place from where we came, to become one with this power, to share in all it has to offer us. No tests, no tasks, nothing to do other than an unwaivering belief and faith that all things are possible. We are I am.

 With that said, my belief is this power doesn't communicate with us because we already have all the knowledge we need.  We may have had an awakening to this knowledge or a revelation and we are more than welcome to share it with anyone willing to listen, hoping to give them a new or better understanding. That does not mean that my revelation was meant for me like I'm special. I am not or was not chosen. No one is chosen. We are all the same, with the same knowledge, the same capabilities and it's up to us how we decide to use it but other catch is there is only one right way. We are shown this way through Jesus.
 This power was placed on the earth in human form as Jesus Christ and we were told if we believe in him, believe what was shown to us, live, worship and have faith just as Jesus did then we will also be everlasting just as he is. We were told that whoever believes will be as I am. That is each and every person's sole purpose on this earth, to simply believe and be as I am, told that when we do we will never have a need or want for anything, will  never fear anything, never hurt or suffer and we will live eternally. 
That is the only message we need to share. The only revelation is the knowledge of this message. A prophet can only share this message because there is no other message. A preachers purpose is to share with us spiritual principles and ways to live our life than align with solely living and sharing that message. 

LWH 2021

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Self Pity and keeping score

Don't know if you believe in God or have any kind of relationship with a higher power but if you do, imagine if God said "I don'...