Thursday, October 07, 2021

Self Pity and keeping score

Don't know if you believe in God or have any kind of relationship with a higher power but if you do, imagine if God said "I don't know why I continue to care so much about humanity when obviously the majority of humanity doesn't give a shit about me.

Most of us don't think about praying or wanting God to perform some kind of miracle in our life until the shit hits the fan, in other words when it's beneficial to us. What if God said fuck y'all? You only use me when you need something, the rest of the time you're acting crazy running around on self will. I'm done with all of you. 

From my understanding it's not like that. God loves us unconditionally. He doesn't care more about me than he does you, we are all equal. For me, knowing that is being humble. I was taught that being humble is knowing that I'm no better than anyone else but I'm no less than either. When I'm in that frame of mind I care about myself, I'm content and grateful for what I have, my acceptance of others is high and my expectations are low. I can love others unconditionally.

I have to remember that I can never give more than I have to give. When I sacrifice myself and cause hardship or stress in my life in order to help someone or make their life easier, I do it for one of two reasons, either out of unconditional love, meaning I want to do it and I expect nothing in return (low expectations= peace of mind) or I'm people pleasing, looking for acceptance (high expectations=
resentment, self pity, rejection, etc)

Some days it seems to come natural and some days it's a struggle but I have to also remember to be ok with myself first, love myself unconditionally. I have to ensure my needs are being met, spiritual needs that my God provides or I provide for myself, like food, shelter, taking care of my health and well being, not things I would expect from others, like attention, acceptance or validation. When I'm ok with me, I'm grateful and I'm humble. I'm then in a place to care for others and not expect anything in return.

 That's not saying I'm being a doormat, letting people walk over me and use me, again that would be people pleasing, looking for acceptance, but instead I can care for others and be there for them because I'm in a place mentally, emotionally and spiritually to where I can and want to. When I do it with the right intentions, it doesn't matter if the other person doesn't like me or can't stand me, there will come a day, the right place at the right time, I'll be down or struggling and that person will be there for me just like I was for them, but never if I'm expecting it or in some way demanding it. 


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Self Pity and keeping score

Don't know if you believe in God or have any kind of relationship with a higher power but if you do, imagine if God said "I don'...