Sunday, May 23, 2021

Fool me once.....

Think about this and yeah it's long as usual but still....

 It's a known fact that the Obama Administration was funding research on a strain of Coronavirus right here in the US, in NC at Duke to be exact. Congress shut it down cutting budget as unnecessary. It was then given a 3 million dollar grant to go over seas to China and continue. First, why research or try to develop a new strain of super virus? 

Forward ahead several years and a new strain of Coronavirus gets loose in China, coincidentally in the same area the research from the US was moved to. They think possibly in an outdoor cafe next to the facility where research was conducted. A research facility with several safety measures in place that make it almost impossible for a virus to escape.

 It just so happened to be an election year here and during one of the most economically sound times the US has seen in years. Tough for an incoming opponent in an election to win. Seeing how the virus was spreading overseas, the president tried to shut down our borders and stop everything coming into the country but was forced to wait, criticized by the democrats and media. When he finally did close the borders, he was still met with resistance from the left and the media. After a couple months and seeing he acted too late, the virus here and spreading, the tone changed, the democrats and the media now blasting the president saying he acted too late. Seems to me they were more worried about making the president out to be the blame for everything happening than they were about our welfare. Good election strategy.

As time went by we kept getting conflicting advice from the CDC and WHO. Masks don't stop the spread, wear your masks, only wear this type of mask, any face covering will work. Everyone must wear a mask, members of Congress not wearing a mask. Media showing footage of hospitals overseas making it appear as if our hospitals were overflowing when they were empty. Doctors order to list all deaths that were not accidental or self inflicted to be listed as Covid 19 as the cause of death. Now we will never know how many actually died from covid-19.

Months in, many doctors now coming forward saying that it's no worse than the flu and we only need to take the same precautions. Still we are quarantined and all business except those deemed essential are shut down. Those not shut down were the largest and wealthiest of big corporations such as WalMart, Home Depot, Amazon, etc. We were told to social distance and made to stand in single file lines outside those businesses but once inside could move about freely. Doesn't make much sense.

 Businesses were limited in hours they were open, no longer 24 hour shopping meaning more people trying to shop within a now 8 hour time span. Once spread out over 24 hours now grouped together in 8 making it much easier to contract the virus. Doesn't make much sense.

Small business now closing, going out of business, millions out on of work and on government assistance. America is slowly beginning to get the majority of the population on government dependancy.

Several doctors now coming forward along with people who had the virus and got thru it, saying hydroxychloroquine was all that was needed but CDC doctors reporting that wasn't true and the media agreeing with them despite the evidence otherwise. Strange too how then hydroxychloroquine suddenly became hard to get and doctors told not to subscribe it. Strange how doctors can say early on the they found something that works and they had the proof but the media and the government are doing everything they can to prove then wrong and instead push forward on developing a vaccine that isn't necessary. Doesn't make much sense.

Having sympathy for those who lost loved ones,  it still needs to be brought to attention and pointed out how the virus is only really dangerous to those that are weak because of either age, compromised immune systems or some other type of disability. Everyone else is a 98 percent survival rate.

 So once the virus has spread and the majority of those people at risk have contracted the virus and most likely died, a vaccine that doesn't prevent you from getting the virus and still spreading it, is "developed" and given to those remaining that have a 98 percent survival rate if they do catch it. Doesn't make sense.

 Millions of people who may have never come in contact with the virus are now carriers of a virus that will never go away. A vaccine that is untested, the drug companies granted immunity from any side effects, even death that results from the vaccine now or at any time in the future. No liability whatsoever.

 Who knows what's to come but we do know the virus is here to stay now. It will continue to take out the weak and compromised. That's a lot of social security benefits and disability checks the government will no longer have to send out. Things starting to make sense now?

Social platforms now involved limiting and censoring what people say. Debunking and reporting as false anything that goes against the narrative. Trying to stop anyone or anything that tries to or comes close to making any sense of what's happening. I'm sure this will hit the radar.

Forward ahead a year and because of the smoke screen from the virus all over the news, all the attacks on the previous president , we now have a president who didn't campaign, has still not given a State of the Union address, does not answer media questions and is making changes that create even more government dependancy, not to mention he won the election with more votes than people who voted... Supposedly.

 It's not right but it's making sense if you're seeing it from where I'm seeing it.

and fast forward to present, during a week when there were supposed to be court hearings on voter fraud and vote tampering on the west coast there just so happens to be a cyber attack on a major oil pipeline on the east coast. No leak, no spill, no shortage of oil in any way other than slowing down the process and time of getting gasoline to the pumps. We probably would have never noticed but rather than report on the election fraud on the west coast, the media reports of a possible gas shortage at the pumps causing a panic with all the "Karen's" on the east coast hoarding gas.... CREATING a shortage just long enough for no one to hear or talk about the election fraud, skillfully keeping America divided.

Think about it. People if you don't think we are all being played for the fools that we are, you are the problem.

Don't you just love conspiracy theories and propaganda. I do. #sarcasm


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