Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Part of the problem

Most of you that know me, know that I don't have much of a filter when it comes to the shit I say. If it's the truth you want, I'll tell you, if not, then I'm not the one to ask.

With that said, read at your own discretion. I already know there are some that will disagree. I'll go ahead and get this out of the way too. Call me racist, prejudice or whatever, to me it's only a label and I couldn't care less. Labels do nothing but divide us.

Agree or not, we are all prejudice in one way or another.  We prejudge things everyday as precaution, if not we wouldn't have survived as a species.  We use actions and the things people do, the way they interact with and treat others to make those judgements that will determine how we interact with and treat them. If you say you don't you're lying.

 It's when we use labels that either someone has placed on others, you placed on yourself or society has given you, that it's wrong. Anyone else's opinion of someone should have no bearing on how I see or treat you.

This is how I currently see what is happening in this country.  If you are participating in the current protest going on and part of that participation involves looting stores, destruction of property or any other type of violence, YOU ARE part of the problem this country faces and you should be arrested and punished accordingly no matter what color or race you are. There are no excuses for that behavior other than ignorance and that's not an excuse, it's a reason.

If you are using social media to spread propoganda, lies or for no other reason than to condemn those you oppose without actually doing some research on your own to find the truth, YOU ARE part of the problem. You're nothing but a HATER, just as ignorant as those looting. You should be pointed out and encouraged by those who are trying to bring about change, to be ignored.

If you are white and you don't believe white privilege exists, you are wrong and part of the problem.

If you are black and you believe that all white people are racists, you are wrong and part of the problem.

If you are white and you believe that racism doesn't still exist, you're part of the problem.

If you are black or white and you don't believe that prejudice towards whites exists and that whites are not also discriminated against, you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe All lives matter, you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe that there is an epidemic in this country where currupt police are singling out black people and using unnecessary force against them to the point that the American people need to be shouting back that Black lives matter too, you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe that police officers are put into stressful situations where adrenalin and fear is escalated, causing them to have to make decisions that could result in the loss of life and that these situations aren't unnecessaryily instigated by those people being questioned or from bystanders, then you are part of the problem.

If you think that all situations that result in extreme force or death by police officers are caused by these instigators and some of them are not because of bad cops abusing their authority, then you are part of the problem.

If you don't think that there needs to be a change in how police officers are selected, hired, trained and undergo periodic evaluation into the ability to perform their job, then you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe there are people with personal or political agendas who are capable of using the media, organizations, government or individuals to carry out those agendas by putting hits on people, starting riots, spreading propoganda, terrorist attacks, mass killings, the spreading of infectious diseases, perpetuating racism and inciting violence, then you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe that those very people I just mentioned who have political or personal agendas do not use the media, organizations, government or individuals to control us on a daily basis, to keep us divided and at odds, against one another, then you are part of the problem.

If you can't see what is happening, if you can't see that this is much bigger than George Floyd being killed, if you can't see that this is more than police violence against blacks, if you can't see how this is an attack on the American people, an attack on the rights of everyone, black and white, if you can't see that everything that is happening in this country right now is political, if you can't see that all of this is an attempt by the elite, by those one percent who have all the money, that own the media, that own the banks, that own and control our government, to gain back the control they have steadily been losing these last 4 years, control of us, then you are part of the problem.

If you as an American citizen don't stop believing what the media is forcing down our throats, if you don't stop participating in their games, blindly following the lies they are telling you, quit giving into their efforts to divide us, quit wearing the labels they place on us, stop hating one another based on what they tell us and somehow, someway come together as one, unite against our true enemy, our common enemy, those one percent trying to control us, then you are part of the problem.

So what is the problem? Everything I just mentioned, all of the above. We are being divided everyday as a nation in every way possible. We were hit by a virus that has killed tens of thousands. We have lost jobs and become dependant on the government. Small businesses across the nation have went out of business. We have been quarantined and isolated from one another. We have been locked away in front of our televisions and subjected to subliminal ads, propoganda and instructed how to go about our daily lives. We have been given new routines, routines that limit our interactions with one another. We have been shown and continue to be shown situations to provoke us, to cause us to fight among ourselves.  We continue to be subjected to the things that are known to cause division between us and to perpetuate it even further. We are being divided down political lines, racial lines, generation lines, personal identity lines. Everywhere you turn in American right now it is black vs white, left vs right, public vs police, young vs old, straight vs gay, religious vs non religious, generation vs generation, any way you can think of us to be divided, we are being divided. 

Our military and police, those very things that are supposed to protect us, are now in high alert, in full riot gear and everyday are being poked at like a honest nest. 

They are being pushed to limits, too the point where even good cops are getting frustrated. Good cops are getting attacked and killed, to where they are now in fear of their life. I'm sure there are those that will say GOOD, now they know what it feels like to be in fear of their life. If you think that way, you are part of the problem. 

It's much bigger than that. What's going to happen when those cops are given the order to turn against us? When curfews are put in place, when it's no longer a free country, when you aren't allowed to protest, when your voice is no longer heard and no longer matters, when we are under Martial law. A time when we need those good cops on our side. Under martial law there is no longer freedom, we have no rights. Everything is shut down. Radio and TV is censored, no internet. There are no courts, no habeus corpus. Everyone is subject to military law and tried by a military tribunal. All government is now controlled by the president and appointed military commander with no public participation or representation, no transparency and no consequences or accountability afterwards. 

Do you think our right to bear arms is going to be of any use against our military? Especially when they are already preparing, are on alert and ready for an attack. Twenty two states have already activated and called up their national guard. If you can't see all of this happening and playing out, if you don't believe it's possible, if you think this can't happen, you are part of the problem.

All of this, the way we are divided, the way we continue to divide ourselves further, the way we are being control, the way we blindly follow along.,...


Open your eyes America. To the youth of this nation, you have taken up a cause, something that has lit a fire in you. You're tired of sitting silent, you're tired of being ignored. Your passion is commendable. You have been heard. Don't be blinded by that passion, don't be misguided by the very thing you are fighting against. Don't underestimate their ability to sway you. Don't ignore or turn against those generations before you. 

 United we stand, divided we fall. 

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