Saturday, July 25, 2020

Afraid of being Alone

You can give all you have to someone, put everything you have into making a relationship work. You can be willing to change or make sacrifices and wemay have even done just that. You may come back time and time again, trying desperately to make things work, only to get feelings hurt or to be let down once again. It doesn't always mean that you are weak, afraid to lose them or that you're afraid of being alone. It doesn't have to mean that anything is wrong with you. 

Sometimes it may simply mean that you truly care about someone, to you they are worth fighting for or putting in the extra effort. Sometimes the hurt from the past, keeps them from moving forward in the future. You could see things in them they can't see, those sometimes subtle cries for help. It could simply mean you care more for them than they care for themselves and you aren't willing to let them just give up in life, but sometimes they may already have. 

We must draw a line somewhere. There has to be a point where we can say enough. We aren't responsible for any one but ourselves. We can offer help when someone needs it, we can love others enough for us both until they can once again love themselves, we can show them what unconditional love looks and feels like but if they aren't willing to change for themselves, aren't willing to match your efforts, aren't willing to even try, we have to let them go and move on. 

There are two kinds of people who say they aren't afraid of being alone. Those who are less afraid to be alone than they are afraid of having to look at themselves and make changes in order have relationships with others. Then there are those who really aren't afraid of being alone because they know it's temporary, if they're patient that right someone is going to come along. They use the alone time to look at themselves, to grow and mature, knowing they don't have to settle. They know they are worth the wait. 

You know you tried, but at the end of the day the only happiness we are responsible for is our own. If someone is more willing to run than they are to stay and fight, let them go. Ask yourself, are you afraid of being alone or more afraid of being hurt. When you can say to yourself neither, that's when you'll find happiness. 

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