Sunday, July 12, 2020

Prophecy 2020

I recently watched a video sent to me by a friend concerning events happening in America such as the protest that are going on and the changes that are taking place. The video was made by a man in Kentucky who said he was a pastor. He didn't claim to be a prophet, he wasn't trying to sell anything, he wasn't pushing God or religion, simply he felt it was his duty to share about 3 dreams he had recently concerning the current events and those to come.

In the video, he basically said he had a dream in December of 2019 and in the dream he saw a calendar in which the months of March and June were pointed out. In the dream he saw in those months the very things we experienced and have taken place already. He claimed that everything he saw in the dream had come true.

Just this past week he said he had 2 other dreams in which the months of September and November were pointed out. In those months he saw that we would experience a total break down of our economy and system of government. He went into more detail but that basically sums up what he said. It would be total chaos with the worst happening in November and the end result being America occupied by NATO, Chinese and Russian forces. He didn't comment if they were hostile forces but that America would be in civil war and the country we once knew would no longer exist.

Here's where I stand. I absolutely believe this country is about to and is going through major changes. I don't think we have seen the worst of it yet. 

I was raised Christian and taught to believe in God. As I have gotten older I've come to believe that there is truth to what the Bible teaches but I feel a lot of it is misinterpreted and there is much more to it than we realize. I do believe there is something more than our existence on Earth and it's not as simple as heaven and hell. I believe we have a soul or energy and our bodies are just a temporary vessel. I believe we each have free will and the things we do in our lifetime have an impact on that energy once it leaves our body after death. Those are just my beliefs, my opinion and I have nothing to prove its the truth. It's the answer that for me has satisfied questions I have had all my life, although since I don't have proof I still remain open minded and convinced there is much more I don't know. 

Since I was a small child I have always felt different. I feel like I don't belong here but there is a purpose for my being here. I don't identify myself as an empath or psychic because I think labels such as that are only an extension of our egos although I have had and still have times where I possess knowledge of events or things I shouldn't have. I have a very strong intuition and I'm very good at reading people. I'm very sensitive to others emotions to the point I avoid certain situations or events such as funerals or wakes. I've had several times when I felt overwhelmed to give complete strangers knowledge that made absolutely no sense to me but made perfect sense to them. So when someone says they had a dream or were someway given information that they felt a need to tell others, I don't discredit that.  

What I personally will never do that I'm also skeptical of coming from others is when someone claims to be able to see future events at will, tries to give anyone advice on a decision or in any way claims to have some special power unique to them as if they are some chosen prophet. 

There are a lot of people who identity as empath or say they have psychic abilities and claim to know about future events. There are those who say they can talk to spirits or have these so called super powers. Most I've listened to it's more like those are things they want or use for attention. It's like it gives them an ego boost or they use it as a way to compensate for feeling some way. I personally believe no human being alive can honestly say what the future holds, what happens to us after we die or if there are forces or dimensions existing along with us that we can't see with certainty. I do believe some of us feel things that others don't. As I said, I know I do but I have to be careful with that because I can convince myself anything is real if I believe it and talk about it long enough. I also believe in the law of attraction where we can manifest things in our life both good and bad. What I don't believe is that no one can predict the future. Crystal balls are bullshit. I do believe in the Tarot but too many times I hear people talk about getting bad news from it. For me, nothing negative comes from the Tarot because that would be predicting something that hasn't happened. The tarot may reveal to you something that you don't want to hear but the Tarot is about showing me things I'm going through that could be causing issues for me, helping me to see the negative things I may be doing and helping me to turn those negatives into positives.

 I believe the pastor in the video. I believe he had those dreams, but one thing I also believe is everything he predicted has the possibility of happening but has just as much chance of not happening. It's one possible outcome of infinite.  The guy in the video was warning everyone and telling them to prepare or brace themselves for a very chaotic time and dealing with evil forces. Again, he wasn't pushing people to get saved or believe in any certain religion but more as a warning to be prepared with food, shelter and protection for their families. It was very convincing but for me, my gut keeps reminding me that the future cannot be predicted. It hasn't happened yet so it can't be seen. Each of us I believe has free will and any future we have can change at any moment. If that weren't the case then we are all living a scripted life so what is the point of even existing. That would only make us some type of game piece for whoever wrote the script.

 I've come to believe that everyone here regardless of any labels we have put on ourselves or by any difference that we use to separate and divide us, we all have one thing in common, we all have a desire to be loved. Love is the only constant that never changes. It's more than a feeling. It's like saying there is no such thing as cold, it's only the absence of heat or there is no such thing as dark, it's only the absence of light so that would mean there is no such thing as evil or negative, it's only the absence of love. So much love has been removed from this world that it has left behind evil and chaos so the solution would be to fill everything with love once again. A vision of future chaos tells me there isn't enough love in this world.  That needs to be changed. Love unconditionally, practice forgiveness, patience and tolerance. Remain willing and open-minded to learn new things. Have high acceptance of things out of our control and lower expectations. Stay humble and help others. That's is the only love that will save us.

LWH 2020

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