Thursday, May 13, 2021

Lizard People

I hate to even use the word "sheep" to describe the group of people I'm getting ready to talk about because it would be offensive to sheep. I'm talking about those people who blindly follow, will believe anything you tell them and never break a rule. You tell them social distance at 6 feet, the fucker has tape measure in hand. Not 5'11" and not 6'1", they at 6' and checking you when you aren't looking.
 To say that humans are the most advanced organism on the planet is getting to the point of being questionable.

 These last couple of years have revealed a side of the human race, a BIG side, that somewhere along the way took a wrong turn, either that or they're drinking some bad water, ate something spoiled, dropped on their head as a child, shit it's anybody's guess at this point but the times have revealed a whole shitload of people operating on a different frequency than the rest of us.

I'm beginning to wonder if the human race has come to a fork in that path of evolution where we are seeing a new race of people. Since we no longer live by the rule that only the strong survive and we somehow got around the whole natural order of selection process where now every known defect, abnormality or genetic flaw is being reintroduced back into the population because everyone is protected, able and allowed to reproduce. I can only imagine what stupid looks like breeding. 

I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, I mean I played around with the flat earth thing for a minute just for fun, but Bush knew about the planes and Oswald wasn't the shooter so I know shit happens. The government just admitted to us not long ago that we have supposedly known for quite some time that aliens from other planets do actually exist, maybe it's some kind of alien experiment being conducted on humans. Maybe it's a result of aliens breeding with humans and these idiots are the result. Maybe the fuckers are aliens in disguise. If that's the case then somebody dropped them off here like an abandoned baby on a doorstep because there is no way in hell if this crowd is from another planet that they got here across the universe on their own, ain't no fucking way. The fuckers try to rescue possums like they stray cats and wonder how come deer don't cross the road where deer crossing signs are so they don't get hit. They would have stopped a thousand times to rescue something, anything just floating along in space. They have to stop. It's not conceivable to them to just ignore it and keep going. They have to get involved, the finger has to be pointed at somebody. They were left here. Herded like "sheep", put on a space bus and dropped of here at 4am when nobody was looking. Somebody was tired of their shit.

 They an organized crowd with their groups with initials. It starts with the HOA, then they got the PTA, PPS, GSA and BSA. They get a little bigger and more control with PETA, CLUW and AFL-CIO. They big time and make big money keeping racism alive and division among us with the NAACP, ACLU, BLM and ANTIFA.  They quick to the draw too when opportunity arises. Bitches got 911 on speed dial and apparently they have a direct line to CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS and NBC. The first alert to any slight  in the normal day to day affairs and these fuckers are on it. They bought up all the toilet paper three different times now, all the cleaning products, hand sanitizers, weather radios, batteries, those God Forsaken MASKS and now gasoline!

Jesus fucking Christ people. Give me a sign or some kind of heads-up when y'all about to do this shit! I'm riding along minding my own business, trying to STAY in MY LANE and next thing I know there's 120 cars and one moped lined up at QT waiting to get gas and I'm sitting there trying to ask Google assistant what the fuck I missed. Did we get bombed? , another virus?  Biden finally fell over? ... What happened Google? 

Finally Google says I found this on the web and spits up a page about a pipeline....

Jesus Christ! A. god damn pipeline got cyber attacked, it didn't break or spring a leak. We still have just as much oil as we had yesterday except now we can't get gas to the stores because there's 120 cars and that fuckin moped blocking the truck from getting in.

Well I know this...  this new breed of humans or aliemans or I'll just call them "Knots" as in not right, knot heads, not from here, not thinking about anyone but themselves, they all hang out on the Nextdoor app. You can see them in action there daily. Let one of the fuckers see a dog not on a leash and Karen is on it like old Avon on a blue hair church lady. Poor animal is being abused they say, probably never had his ass wiped properly, nobody picking up it's shit. Another Karen and Ken are forming a sub committee amongst the HOA to raise awareness, the poor animal is lucky to be alive, it didn't even have it's mask on. 247 comments on one thread about that damn dog.

 Lord don't let one see a litter of rabbits or a fawn, they got Chopper Nine, PETA and Eye Witness News on scene, Karen's got her husband in a hazmat suit trying to lure them in with carrots and not get human scent on them. She read that in her monthly wildlife newsletter. They are fucking crazy people

Good God almighty people. I can't take it anymore. Leave the dogs and other animals alone. You're not rescuing anything. You're baiting, luring in and capturing an animal minding it's own business, STAYING IN IT'S LANE and ultimately sending it to it's death when you can't find someone to adopt it. While I'm at it, stop calling it a fucking forever home. Gay ass shit. If it was forever then the shelters wouldn't be full of captured animals that were trying to get back to the only home they know.
JESUS!... Where are the fucking dinosaurs when you need one. Let Karen rescue a stray velociraptor, poor thing was  probably abandoned we'll tell her. That'll put a stop to this shit real quick.


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