Thursday, October 07, 2021

Self Pity and keeping score

Don't know if you believe in God or have any kind of relationship with a higher power but if you do, imagine if God said "I don't know why I continue to care so much about humanity when obviously the majority of humanity doesn't give a shit about me.

Most of us don't think about praying or wanting God to perform some kind of miracle in our life until the shit hits the fan, in other words when it's beneficial to us. What if God said fuck y'all? You only use me when you need something, the rest of the time you're acting crazy running around on self will. I'm done with all of you. 

From my understanding it's not like that. God loves us unconditionally. He doesn't care more about me than he does you, we are all equal. For me, knowing that is being humble. I was taught that being humble is knowing that I'm no better than anyone else but I'm no less than either. When I'm in that frame of mind I care about myself, I'm content and grateful for what I have, my acceptance of others is high and my expectations are low. I can love others unconditionally.

I have to remember that I can never give more than I have to give. When I sacrifice myself and cause hardship or stress in my life in order to help someone or make their life easier, I do it for one of two reasons, either out of unconditional love, meaning I want to do it and I expect nothing in return (low expectations= peace of mind) or I'm people pleasing, looking for acceptance (high expectations=
resentment, self pity, rejection, etc)

Some days it seems to come natural and some days it's a struggle but I have to also remember to be ok with myself first, love myself unconditionally. I have to ensure my needs are being met, spiritual needs that my God provides or I provide for myself, like food, shelter, taking care of my health and well being, not things I would expect from others, like attention, acceptance or validation. When I'm ok with me, I'm grateful and I'm humble. I'm then in a place to care for others and not expect anything in return.

 That's not saying I'm being a doormat, letting people walk over me and use me, again that would be people pleasing, looking for acceptance, but instead I can care for others and be there for them because I'm in a place mentally, emotionally and spiritually to where I can and want to. When I do it with the right intentions, it doesn't matter if the other person doesn't like me or can't stand me, there will come a day, the right place at the right time, I'll be down or struggling and that person will be there for me just like I was for them, but never if I'm expecting it or in some way demanding it. 


Friday, June 18, 2021

... but for the grace of god there go I

Something to think about....
What if you were a single parent with a child . You work full time for $15.00 hr. usually a 40 hour week which comes to $600.  After taxes and other deductions like insurance you bring home roughly $450.00 per week, $900 (bi-weekly) or $1800 month salary.

Your bills total
 $1,000 rent 
 $160 utilities
 $200 car payment
 $50 car insurance
  $240 groceries ($60 week)
   $50 cell phone
   $80 gas ($20 week)
It's taking nearly everything you earn to just barely get by. We haven't even talked about daycare yet. You could possibly have a young child that someone needs to watch while you work. Some daycares can cost as much as $200 a week. The kids father is missing or refuses to pay child support.
  The point is, there are a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck and it's taking their entire paycheck to pay for just the bare necessities.

Now what if something were to happen, like say by chance you don't get 40 hours one week. You find yourself having to make a choice between cell phone, gas or groceries. You can't take anything from rent or utilities. Some of you complain about so many people on the roads driving without proper tags, registration and insurance, even licenses, now you see and know why. 
  Let's say something happens to your car and it needs a major repair, a really hot summer or colder than usual winter where you get a $400 Power bill, you miss a week of work or even just a few days because your child is sick and can't attend daycare with a fever. 
   You're now faced with a decision of how to you pay your bills, is there one that can wait until next month? Even if there is, come next month, you're still faced with the same decision and will be every month until you somehow get caught back up. 
   Maybe let's say you don't pay the entire power bill hoping they will add the balance to next month's bill, but they don't. Your power gets shut off. Now what? You call the power company and since it was disconnected, they now tell you that you have to pay a $250 deposit to get it back on. You can't pay it so you do the best you can until you can get it back on but your landlord finds out.

The lease on your apartment says you get evicted if your utilities are off so you get served with a notice saying you have 10 days to get out. 

You find another place but they want first months rent and equal deposit. If you had that much you would have never been evicted, plus they run a background & credit check and now see you were evicted which disqualifies you from renting anywhere.

No family, no close friends to stay with, you’re now living in your car if you're lucky to still have it. You have a child or children with you. You couldn't afford a storage so you had to leave a lot of things behind. The landlord keeps your security deposit for breaking the lease and cleaning fees for the things you left. You only have room in your car for just what you need to get by. 

Youve lost everything, you're paying to take showers at a truck stop, you're living on gas station food. Some do gooder comes along and sees you & your kids living like this & calls Social Services thinking you're some deadbeat parent. Police come and guess what? They take your child. 
You are trying to explain, no one is listening, things escalate, your child is crying, you're getting angry, next thing you know you're being put in handcuffs for disorderly conduct, assault on an officer, resisting arrest, loitering, child endangerment, taken to jail, can't pay a bond, you serve time, you now have a record. In order to get your child back you have to prove financial responsibility, have a place to live, food in the fridge, all those things you had before you were evicted but you can't because you can't get a job. You're now a convicted felon for assaulting an officer and have a record. Everywhere you turn is a dead end. Your car was impounded and racked up impound lot fees you can't pay. They won't let you get your belongings out of it. You're on the street with nothing but the clothes on your back. Homeless shelter is full no where to go. Don't be seen or caught in the open or you're arrested as a vagrant. When people start pointing or staring, you either duck behind cars out of sight or try to make it appear as if you're digging for your keys in your backpack. Anything so that no one calls the police again.

I’ll stop here ..... I hope you get the point . 

These are people you see everyday. They were once our co-workers, they were neighbors, they could even be our family or friends, but now they are standing on the street at major intersections with a sign asking for help. Imagine how humbling or humiliating that can be.

We are all so close to homelessness & don’t even realize it . Yes, this scenario is full of extreme circumstances but there are cases where the extreme happens. People getting hit with one bad break after another.
All it takes is : 

* one unexpected bill
* one major car repair
* one lay-off 
* one  house fire 
 *one sick child
 *one freak accident
and we find ourselves having to make that decision, what does or doesn't get paid.

I go on social media sites or community apps and I see people posting about situations where they may see people on the streets asking for help. Maybe someone in a parking lot acting strange. You may know of a section of woods where you suspect homeless people may be living.

Instead of judging people who are less fortunate than you because you think you got to where you are from having worked harder, or condemning someone who's homeless thinking the reason they are is because they spend all their money on drugs or lock your doors out of fear when you approach an intersection where someone is holding a sign asking for help, instead of calling the police because you suspect there's a crowd of deplorables living in a section of woods you pass by, worried they are breaking into homes, instead of demanding these people be arrested because you just know they are part of an operation involved in human trafficking, instead of making their life even more difficult because they make you uncomfortable, why don’t you try practicing some gratitude that you’re not in their shoes and offer some help. If you don't feel comfortable offering help or personally you can't afford to, then maybe mind your own business. If you are threatened by the people and I'm not talking about hypothetically or what if but actually verbally threatened or feel someone poses an actual harm to someone then call police but this whole attitude acting like every person who doesn't look like you, talk like you, dress like you, live like you or you think doesn't belong in your neighborhood, needs to stop. Stop the self righteous, inflated ego and just plain ignorant attacks on innocent people thinking you're some how better than they are. Try practicing some humility.

I realize there are evil people in the world. Not everyone is your friend. Some people want your money, some want your car or belongings and some may want you, but there are those who legitimately want and desperately need your help.

 Yes, someone's it's hard or near impossible to distinguish between those that are out to take advantage of you and those needing assistance. The only possible solution may be to outlaw all types of solicitation. Eliminate the act of asking for or receiving help in any way other than going through agencies specifically for this. Charlotte has even had one of it's leaders suggest giving fines to people who "feed the animals", specifically making it illegal to help someone without going through a licensed charity or government agency.

This country has a habit of this type of thinking and action. Rather than solve the problem, we allow the problem to continue and try to eliminate negative outcomes of the problem. It's like trying to plug a hole in a dam with sand. If by miracle it did work, the water would just find the next weakest point. 

It's a selfish decision. Rather than put in the effort to fix it right, we choose the easiest, quicker way or complain loud until somebody does something.

In the scenario, things should never be allowed to get to that point. People shouldn't be working for $15 an hour while some earn billions. I'm not against capitalism or earning what you work for but honestly, Amazon could DOUBLE every single one of their employees pay rate and Jeff Bezos could still live a lavish lifestyle. No one person should have multiple mansions spread across the world while there are those who are homeless. The majority of humanity should not be ruled by a select few and struggle in the process. No one in the entire world, ANYWHERE, should have a want or a need for anything. If this is what society has evolved too where it has become normal to step on others to get to where we are going then it is wrong and we will not last. It is a slow global suicide. We will eventually kill ourselves and quite possibly have already done that once or several times before. We will continue to do it until we learn to take care of this place we live, take care of each other and live by that one golden rule. 

Self destruction isn't far away. Everyday we divide ourselves further by any and all lines imaginable... Race, religion, sexual identify, politically, financially, age, creed, geographically and on. We constantly look for new ways to draw lines to separate ourselves from the group or actually to separate and remove those we don't want in the group.

This is about staying humble & being kind. Humility defined to me is knowing I'm no better than while knowing I'm also no less than. The best way to show humility is do something kind for someone but do it in a  way that they don't know who did it and don't tell anyone what you did. Help someone 100 percent anonymously.

Tell yourself, but for the grace of god there go I. We are in this together and it will take us working together to get out of it.

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Love can't be defined

Love can't be defined. It's different for everyone. For some it's unconditional, others may put conditions on whether or not it's given or taken. Honestly though, whether we want to give it or not, whether we want to receive it or not, love is everywhere in everything. It's a universal seed responsible for all life, a master emotion that supercedes all others, the solution to every problem, the answer to every question. It's up to individual responsibility if we want to see it, feel it, use it or not. For that very reason we can't logically pin it to only one certain thing. Hell sometimes it's hard enough to even explain it or understand it, much less define it.

Love is more than being happy, laughing, enjoying someone's presence in your life or everything being perfect. Sometimes love is despising the person you're with but willing to lower your expectations for a minute, raise your level of acceptance and support them through the process of changing the behaviors that made you despise them to begin with. 

Sometimes love is being willing to look at your own shortcomings and willing to make changes in yourself. Love isn't always about just giving and receiving, sometimes it's about sacrificing and humbly learning to accept help. 

Love is not only the catalyst responsible for creating new relationships, it can also be the strength to end a relationship. Even if you do separate yourself from a personal relationship, that doesn't necessarily mean you stopped or even have to stop loving them. Love means you can still be there for that person if they need help, a shoulder to cry on or just someone to vent to. Love can also be loving yourself enough to leave that relationship all together if it's the cause of chaos in your life. In fact, when we come to those crossroads and find ourselves facing that decision of whether or not to walk away, heartbroken and full of self doubt, if we take a moment to dig around in the muck of what's left and find that little ember of love that's still there and it always is, love can never be entirely put out, but if we find it, focus on it, put it in our hearts to replace that which has been missing, use it for strength to keep moving forward, life from that point will be less painful, shorten the grieving process, put us and keep us on a shorter, easier path to finding our love, that love meant for us we can't live without.

We rarely consider that loving principles such as humility, compassion and forgiveness are just as much for our enemies, if not more for them, as they are for those we like and accept. We don't have to be infatuated with a person, related to or involved with anyone in any way in order to be kind or to help them. We should be kind and willing to help anyone, in everything we do. That's love.

If we don't soon get a grasp on some of these concepts and principles that give us opportunities to express our love - things like the golden rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), love thy neighbor, volunteering our time, be of service to others, believe all life matters,  remain humble and especially learn to love unconditionally, in other words, something completely opposite of the shit that society is doing now, our future as an evolving species isn't looking too good. What we've been doing, the way we treat others and for that matter, how we treat ourselves, is not working. It never will. 

We have been conditioned to put conditions on just about everything we do, especially in the way we interact with and treat others. Conditions on how we see ourselves. We lack an identity and are lost because we are subjected to subliminal ads that tell us we aren't tall enough, fast enough, pretty enough, smart enough or anything enough without something we can purchase for the special discounted price of $??.⁹⁵ and if we call now we can get two, yes a second one for just the cost of shipping. That will surely fix us and all our problems we're told.

 We have divided ourselves along every line imaginable. Separating ourselves into groups consisting of those who share our passion on a particular topic. This will always automatically create an opposing group because everyone is not going to share our vision or stance on a topic. Sometimes I seriously believe the only reason some of these groups are even started or remain in existence is 
a) so these groups will expose those that don't share your beliefs
b) so that those who don't share your beliefs can now be harassed.
C) because it would create an entity that can be very profitable for some people.

America right now is severely divided racially, politically, sexually, religiously, we're even making shit up to divide us even further. We are right on that edge of global suicide. We're killing ourselves while AI (artificial intelligence) is evolving past us with lightning speed, WITH OR WITHOUT US. 

Our focus right now should be on learning how to get past our differences instead of fighting or running from one another.


Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Self Sabotaging Blame Game

People need to stop giving others advice and telling them  it's time to leave a relationship or worse, some action to take against the person they are involved with. 

The only thing we know about a person or the one they are in a relationship with is that one of them may be asking us for advice, like how will they know when is it time to leave that relationship. Just because they are asking that question or looking for answers doesn't automatically mean the relationship is over. In order for us to accurately answer that question for someone, we would need to go live in the relationship for long enough time to know when, why or even if anyone should leave. I say anyone because we could possibly end up seeing that the person coming to us looking for answers is actually the one causing problems. We may want to tell the other person to get away from this person who's blaming them, but we don't do that and never should. If I can give a person advice or tell them what decision to make, then go home, sit in my recliner and have to never suffer any consequences from that, then I should never be the one making the decision. It's like telling someone to jump off a 100 ft. cliff into the water and not knowing if the water is actually deep enough. If you aren't going to jump first then you have no right telling someone else its safe.

Just because a person asked a question about when do you know when a relationship is over, does not mean it's over now and time to go.  Stop telling this people what to do in their relationships. 

Being unhappy, feeling unloved, unwanted, jealous, suspicious, used, neglected, unappreciated or all of the above are not immediate reasons to leave a relationship unless you, yourself, are 100% sure that you are emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, financially and egotistically healthy and of sound mind which I doubt any one of us are. At any given time we will be struggling in at least one or more of those areas. We aren't perfect beings. Any one of those things or any combination of those being screwed up with us could project onto the other person. For example if we bring trust issues from a past relationship into a new one, we could cause that person to withdraw or start acting differently which in turn makes us suspicious so we now have this domino effect going on untill we're at each other's throats and packing. We would most likely be blaming the other person, oblivious to anything we are doing wrong, but all along the problems in the relationship are because we never dealt with the baggage from the last relationship.

A person, even ourselves could be suffering from any number of things, depression, PTSD, mid life crisis, post partum, anxiety, physical pain, grief, paranoia or stress. Ending a relationship that one or more of these negative defects has reared its ugly head in may or may not resolve those problems and could actually make things worse. 

I can say this, if the ones involved in the relationship aren't BOTH willing to talk, do some type of personal inventory, together do an inventory on the relationship and get to the bottom of what's going on, so at least you'll know what needs to change and the parties involved are BOTH willing to put effort into seeing that change come about, then it most likely would never work anyway.

Love is more than being happy, laughing, enjoying someone's presence in your life or everything being perfect. Sometimes love is despising the person your with but willing to lower your expectations for a minute, raise your level of acceptance and support them through the process of changing the behaviors that made you despise them to begin with. Sometimes love is being willing to look at your own shortcomings and willing to make changes yourself. Love isn't always about giving and receiving, sometimes it's about sacrificing and learning to accept help. Even if you end of separating yourself from this person, you can still be there for them. Humility, compassion and forgiveness are just as much for our enemies as they are for those we accept. We don't have to be infatuated with a person in order to be kind or to help them.

If we don't soon get ahold of this human condition, golden rule, love thy neighbor, brothers keeper, all lives matter, unconditional love shit, our future as an evolving species isn't looking too good. We are divided along every line imaginable right now, racially, politically, sexually, religiously, we're even making shit up to divide is even further. We are right on that edge of global suicide. We're killing ourselves while AI (artificial intelligence) is evolving past us with lightning speed, WITH OR WITHOUT US. Our focus right now should be on learning how to get past our differences instead of fighting or running from one another.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


  Imagine you walk out of your home and suddenly you're attacked by a swarm of bees,  you take off running to your car, get in, doors shut, windows up, you're safe.  No... too late, you've been stung many times. You're allergic, face is swollen,  hard to breathe, you can't talk or yell for help, you start the car and head for the ER. By now your airway swollen, can't breathe. You pass out, run off the road, flip your car several times, head trauma, broken neck, now paralyzed and in a coma. Keep reading... 
At the hospital,  your family comes in, sad but they now have to make a decision, keep you on life support or pull the plug? No one wants the burden of taking care of you. You can't stay in the hospital, cant afford a caretaker or nursing home. You still could possibly recover but you aren't given a chance. They decided to not risk it and pull the plug. 
Hind sight is 20/20 but too late for all that. You knew the bees were there, but you didn't take precaution"... You know youre allergic to bees but you don't carry an epi pen. You have an older car without air bags, you don't wear your seat belt. You have nothing written that tells your family or doctors what your wishes are in such a situation. You pretty much fucked yourself but it's no longer your decision. Someone else has now decided to terminate your life "to keep you from suffering" .

 Is it fair? Let's make it a law that says anyone this happens to we pull the plug. From now on we decide it's much easier to just pull the life support. Even if you're showing signs of improvement,  we can't take the risk, pull the plug.

Society doesn't work that way because that could be any one of us on life support. Too many want the chance to fight. Too many don't want to be without their loved ones. No one would ever or let me say no one in their right mind would ever choose to end they're before given a chance to make it better. So society goes after the things that cause this situation and attack those. We make cars safer, science developed antidotes and epi pens. We have exterminators to get rid of hornets and wasps. Rather than attack the victim, we decided to go after the things that created the victim. Why? because we can defend ourselves and prevent things from happening to us. We aren't imprisoned somewhere that we can't defend or help ourselves.

 Accidents still happen, things out of our control. In those situations can we still pull the plug without giving you a chance? Please, please! I mean what if you're a vegetable the rest of your life? That means someone has the burden of taking care of you, but it's not about us it's about you. You would be unpleasant. You could even be abused. We should just pull the plug so you don't suffer.
but NOOO, you still have some rights. If you're breathing and heart beating... even though you can't respond to us, if we kill you it's murder. We have to take care of you and give you the chance to recover.

What if we did that with babies? What if we attacked the causes and not the victim? What if we put all of our efforts into preventing the pregnancy BEFORE it happens rather than TERMINATING it after it happens?

 Make penalties very severe for rape, put more effort into finding what makes people commit rape and stop it. Research better, more convenient methods of birth control, better educate children on birth control, work on bringing families back together and discourage single parenting rather than reward it. Work toward having healthy relationships. Instill values in our kids where we don't have so many unwanted or teen pregnancies, teach love and not hate, create self esteem instead of selfishness, adhere to principles like all life is precious, not one above the other. Ban toxic chemicals that cause birth defects, better regulations on corporations that use these chemicals, end political careers of people who allow these things, get back control of our lives, our environment, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, how we interact with one another, raise responsible adults instead of spoiled little assholes.  Get back to the ideals of wanting to start a family of your own. Have goals, have standards, principles and values.  Know who you want to start that family with stop settling for less. Wait and plan for the baby, be there, nurture and raise the child letting it know it can be anything it wants to be. Teach it to be loving and caring, give it value and morals. 

Why don't we go after and focus on these things instead of an innocent, defenseless human life?

Why? because it's so much easier to just jerk it out, cut it up, throw it away, go home, pop a pain pill and start texting away telling friends the trauma you just had to go thru and get a little needed attention.

I'm sure you will say that's stupid, it's not the same and has nothing to do with abortion. In ways it's isn't the same but in some ways it is. The main difference is that we will put effort into saving our own ass but don't give two shits about anybody else, especially an ugly, slimy, half cooked embryo we never met.  Sad that there are those that will never open their mind enough to see another side. People name all these consequences resulting from the birth of an unwanted baby, things it will pay the price for. Things like addiction, birth defects, childhood trauma, etc. Then those are the things we should be eliminating and finding solutions for rather than accepting those things and terminate an innocent baby.

 I've heard the argument about pregnancies where the mother is in danger, the baby dies in the womb and how it's a woman's body. Well, only a little over 7 percent of abortions are for those reasons people use when arguing in support of abortion. The other 92 percent of abortions are for unwanted pregnancies. As for it being a woman's body, it's not her body that's being aborted and thrown away. If it were I bet that woman would be making an entirely different decision. Just because you have been in existence longer than the baby inside you, do you think that makes your life more precious or deserving? If you do and you ever find yourself in a situation where emergency teams are calling for women and children first to be saved, if you don't give your seat away to any gentleman that is older than you, then you are a hypocrite.

The entire argument is an issue of priorities, misplaced or not, for both sides of the argument whether anyone cares to see that or not. Every decision made in the whole process from the before the first child was ever conceived to until we figure this shit out and get it under control is nothing but priorities or what happens to be the most important to the person in charge of making the decision.

Out of positive thoughts and positive actions come positive results.

LWH 2021 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

I am

I recently read something where a woman was arrested at a local church. Curious as to what someone would do at a church to warrant the church calling to have the woman arrested and taken off the premises, I had to find out.

Digging a little deeper I came across a YouTube video this woman had made telling her side of the story which is the only side I ever heard.

After watching the video, it seems this lady had a vision from God come to get one night. Listening to the lady, it wasn't hard to determine that she is very dedicated in her practice of her religion and a belief in God. She attended this church service with her family every Sunday and seemed to put a lot of faith in the pastor and sermons, so much so that she felt it compelling to tell the pastor about this "message" she had received from God. After several attempts at contacting the pastor via phone, text and email with no success, she decides to go by the church office one day. After waiting in the office for some time, she was allowed into the office of an associate pastor who was familiar with her situation. She never said in the video what the message entailed so at this point I have no idea if it was something worth hearing or something completely crazy. The associate pastor and anyone else who was familiar with the situation had obviously determined that what she needed to tell the main pastor of the church was not important enough for her to be allowed to have a visit with him. My first response to that was how odd it seemed for a person to be denied meeting with her pastor regardless of what the meeting wear about but also how at this point the leaders of the church had obviously determined what she had to say nobody there wanted to hear it and she was asked to leave. 

She left with reservation and at this point somewhat upset about how she had been denied seeing her pastor. I probably would have been also but she was to the point of thinking it was her right to see him as if it were something she bought and paid for, most likely because she claimed she was a member and tithed regularly. I'm not a member of a church nor do I tithed regularly to a church so I don't know how that actually works as far as any rights you may have. She however felt she had the right and was determined to see the pastor.

I think at this point it had now become a mission of simply seeing the pastor and less important her reason for seeing him. She stated she went to church services the following Sunday and according to her, she made her usual entrance and yes she has a specific way she enters the church because of her enthusiasm with worshipping God. It was after hearing this that my thinking started to shift from being on her side to thinking maybe the church wasn't so harsh in their decisions about what or not to allow this woman on the property at all.

Apparently when she gets to church she becomes excited or filled with the holy spirit. She makes it a point to go down the aisles and high five everyone and share her excitement. She has her place on the front row where she can show her dedication and be heard. Well before she could make it to her usual place on the front row she was greeted by a young lady who asked her to walk out to the lobby where they could talk in private and not disturb others. The woman denied and asked the young lady who she was and why. From the ladies tone she had at this point in the video telling her side, I could tell that things weren't going to go well from there. Long story short, she was escorted out of the church in handcuffs and taken away.

Now I wasn't there so I can't say one way or the other who was right or wrong. I assume she never got to see the pastor or give him this message she had gotten from God. I do know she's not done though and at this point it's become more about giving the public her message about how she has been treated and not do much about telling anyone about the message from God. This is my opinion on that, as far as letting others know about something I believe in or feel strongly about. How far to I have a right to go to make sure others hear that message.

Myself nor anyone else has verifiable proof in the existence of God or a God. There are over 4000 different religions in the world, not one of them is more credible than the other. That makes religion, practicing a certain religion or worshipping a certain God a personal choice. It's a personal choice to attend a church or Sunday service.

 People attend for many reasons. The pastor at any church is there to share his interpretation of the God he chooses to worship. It is a person's personal choice whether or not to hear that message. Just because a person feels that their God has spoken to them, that doesn't mean they now have a right to force that message  onto others. They have a right to share their message in a place that doesn't cause disruption to others to whoever wants to hear it and makes a personal choice to do so but no one is obligated in any way where they must hear what someone had to say.
 This lady attended this church to hear that pastor each week share the message he received from the God he worshipped, but he is in no way obligated to hear her message. He may not believe in a God that has spoken to her and she has no right to force that on him or anyone else. Was it rude that he nor any of his staff bother to hear what she had to say? I think so. To me that's not appropriate or Christian like behavior, which Christianity happened to be the religion everyone involved claimed to practice. If she would have been treated differently in the beginning and had the pastor at least replied to her in some way, I think all the disruption leading up to the woman being arrested could have been avoided.

Still, I don't know what this message was that this lady apparently received from God. During her video she kept referring to God as him and speaking in a way that "he" regularly tells her what to do. That scares me in a way because someone with that strong of a belief and determination can be also just as determined in their efforts to carry out the wishes of this God, doing what "he" tells them to do.

I personally believe there is a higher power that is responsible for all creation. It is not a him or her. I believe it is a collective power where we do not exist without it and it cannot exist without us. The bible says when God created man, it was stated "let us create man in our own image". The power that I believe in is verified by that statement. We exist because of this power and this power exists in us.

  It was stated to Moses when he asked "who shall I tell them gave me these commandments?" He was told "tell them I am". If you believe in the Trinity then you believe that God is the Father, the son and the holy spirit so therefore Jesus was God on earth in human form. When asked if he was God, he stated "just know me as I am".
So you see, according to the bible and how a in person interprets it, God can be much more than a "him" in heaven.

 God is a name given to this power in Christianity. There are several names given to this power but none claimed by this power. It was given to us as "I am" . We were created in the image of "we are". We are to believe in "I am" and I  have the same as " we are". 
I gain power through a firm belief and faith in Jesus who testified to be the same as I am. I am as he, he is as I am. Everyone is as I am.

We are all created in Gods image, we are told to be like Jesus, it is only through Jesus and our belief in what he has given us that we can achieve our true purpose. It's as if this power some call God came to earth in it's pure form as an example of what we are supposed to be, to show us what we are truly capable of and told this is the only way to get to that place from where we came, to become one with this power, to share in all it has to offer us. No tests, no tasks, nothing to do other than an unwaivering belief and faith that all things are possible. We are I am.

 With that said, my belief is this power doesn't communicate with us because we already have all the knowledge we need.  We may have had an awakening to this knowledge or a revelation and we are more than welcome to share it with anyone willing to listen, hoping to give them a new or better understanding. That does not mean that my revelation was meant for me like I'm special. I am not or was not chosen. No one is chosen. We are all the same, with the same knowledge, the same capabilities and it's up to us how we decide to use it but other catch is there is only one right way. We are shown this way through Jesus.
 This power was placed on the earth in human form as Jesus Christ and we were told if we believe in him, believe what was shown to us, live, worship and have faith just as Jesus did then we will also be everlasting just as he is. We were told that whoever believes will be as I am. That is each and every person's sole purpose on this earth, to simply believe and be as I am, told that when we do we will never have a need or want for anything, will  never fear anything, never hurt or suffer and we will live eternally. 
That is the only message we need to share. The only revelation is the knowledge of this message. A prophet can only share this message because there is no other message. A preachers purpose is to share with us spiritual principles and ways to live our life than align with solely living and sharing that message. 

LWH 2021

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Fool me once.....

Think about this and yeah it's long as usual but still....

 It's a known fact that the Obama Administration was funding research on a strain of Coronavirus right here in the US, in NC at Duke to be exact. Congress shut it down cutting budget as unnecessary. It was then given a 3 million dollar grant to go over seas to China and continue. First, why research or try to develop a new strain of super virus? 

Forward ahead several years and a new strain of Coronavirus gets loose in China, coincidentally in the same area the research from the US was moved to. They think possibly in an outdoor cafe next to the facility where research was conducted. A research facility with several safety measures in place that make it almost impossible for a virus to escape.

 It just so happened to be an election year here and during one of the most economically sound times the US has seen in years. Tough for an incoming opponent in an election to win. Seeing how the virus was spreading overseas, the president tried to shut down our borders and stop everything coming into the country but was forced to wait, criticized by the democrats and media. When he finally did close the borders, he was still met with resistance from the left and the media. After a couple months and seeing he acted too late, the virus here and spreading, the tone changed, the democrats and the media now blasting the president saying he acted too late. Seems to me they were more worried about making the president out to be the blame for everything happening than they were about our welfare. Good election strategy.

As time went by we kept getting conflicting advice from the CDC and WHO. Masks don't stop the spread, wear your masks, only wear this type of mask, any face covering will work. Everyone must wear a mask, members of Congress not wearing a mask. Media showing footage of hospitals overseas making it appear as if our hospitals were overflowing when they were empty. Doctors order to list all deaths that were not accidental or self inflicted to be listed as Covid 19 as the cause of death. Now we will never know how many actually died from covid-19.

Months in, many doctors now coming forward saying that it's no worse than the flu and we only need to take the same precautions. Still we are quarantined and all business except those deemed essential are shut down. Those not shut down were the largest and wealthiest of big corporations such as WalMart, Home Depot, Amazon, etc. We were told to social distance and made to stand in single file lines outside those businesses but once inside could move about freely. Doesn't make much sense.

 Businesses were limited in hours they were open, no longer 24 hour shopping meaning more people trying to shop within a now 8 hour time span. Once spread out over 24 hours now grouped together in 8 making it much easier to contract the virus. Doesn't make much sense.

Small business now closing, going out of business, millions out on of work and on government assistance. America is slowly beginning to get the majority of the population on government dependancy.

Several doctors now coming forward along with people who had the virus and got thru it, saying hydroxychloroquine was all that was needed but CDC doctors reporting that wasn't true and the media agreeing with them despite the evidence otherwise. Strange too how then hydroxychloroquine suddenly became hard to get and doctors told not to subscribe it. Strange how doctors can say early on the they found something that works and they had the proof but the media and the government are doing everything they can to prove then wrong and instead push forward on developing a vaccine that isn't necessary. Doesn't make much sense.

Having sympathy for those who lost loved ones,  it still needs to be brought to attention and pointed out how the virus is only really dangerous to those that are weak because of either age, compromised immune systems or some other type of disability. Everyone else is a 98 percent survival rate.

 So once the virus has spread and the majority of those people at risk have contracted the virus and most likely died, a vaccine that doesn't prevent you from getting the virus and still spreading it, is "developed" and given to those remaining that have a 98 percent survival rate if they do catch it. Doesn't make sense.

 Millions of people who may have never come in contact with the virus are now carriers of a virus that will never go away. A vaccine that is untested, the drug companies granted immunity from any side effects, even death that results from the vaccine now or at any time in the future. No liability whatsoever.

 Who knows what's to come but we do know the virus is here to stay now. It will continue to take out the weak and compromised. That's a lot of social security benefits and disability checks the government will no longer have to send out. Things starting to make sense now?

Social platforms now involved limiting and censoring what people say. Debunking and reporting as false anything that goes against the narrative. Trying to stop anyone or anything that tries to or comes close to making any sense of what's happening. I'm sure this will hit the radar.

Forward ahead a year and because of the smoke screen from the virus all over the news, all the attacks on the previous president , we now have a president who didn't campaign, has still not given a State of the Union address, does not answer media questions and is making changes that create even more government dependancy, not to mention he won the election with more votes than people who voted... Supposedly.

 It's not right but it's making sense if you're seeing it from where I'm seeing it.

and fast forward to present, during a week when there were supposed to be court hearings on voter fraud and vote tampering on the west coast there just so happens to be a cyber attack on a major oil pipeline on the east coast. No leak, no spill, no shortage of oil in any way other than slowing down the process and time of getting gasoline to the pumps. We probably would have never noticed but rather than report on the election fraud on the west coast, the media reports of a possible gas shortage at the pumps causing a panic with all the "Karen's" on the east coast hoarding gas.... CREATING a shortage just long enough for no one to hear or talk about the election fraud, skillfully keeping America divided.

Think about it. People if you don't think we are all being played for the fools that we are, you are the problem.

Don't you just love conspiracy theories and propaganda. I do. #sarcasm


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Lizard People

I hate to even use the word "sheep" to describe the group of people I'm getting ready to talk about because it would be offensive to sheep. I'm talking about those people who blindly follow, will believe anything you tell them and never break a rule. You tell them social distance at 6 feet, the fucker has tape measure in hand. Not 5'11" and not 6'1", they at 6' and checking you when you aren't looking.
 To say that humans are the most advanced organism on the planet is getting to the point of being questionable.

 These last couple of years have revealed a side of the human race, a BIG side, that somewhere along the way took a wrong turn, either that or they're drinking some bad water, ate something spoiled, dropped on their head as a child, shit it's anybody's guess at this point but the times have revealed a whole shitload of people operating on a different frequency than the rest of us.

I'm beginning to wonder if the human race has come to a fork in that path of evolution where we are seeing a new race of people. Since we no longer live by the rule that only the strong survive and we somehow got around the whole natural order of selection process where now every known defect, abnormality or genetic flaw is being reintroduced back into the population because everyone is protected, able and allowed to reproduce. I can only imagine what stupid looks like breeding. 

I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, I mean I played around with the flat earth thing for a minute just for fun, but Bush knew about the planes and Oswald wasn't the shooter so I know shit happens. The government just admitted to us not long ago that we have supposedly known for quite some time that aliens from other planets do actually exist, maybe it's some kind of alien experiment being conducted on humans. Maybe it's a result of aliens breeding with humans and these idiots are the result. Maybe the fuckers are aliens in disguise. If that's the case then somebody dropped them off here like an abandoned baby on a doorstep because there is no way in hell if this crowd is from another planet that they got here across the universe on their own, ain't no fucking way. The fuckers try to rescue possums like they stray cats and wonder how come deer don't cross the road where deer crossing signs are so they don't get hit. They would have stopped a thousand times to rescue something, anything just floating along in space. They have to stop. It's not conceivable to them to just ignore it and keep going. They have to get involved, the finger has to be pointed at somebody. They were left here. Herded like "sheep", put on a space bus and dropped of here at 4am when nobody was looking. Somebody was tired of their shit.

 They an organized crowd with their groups with initials. It starts with the HOA, then they got the PTA, PPS, GSA and BSA. They get a little bigger and more control with PETA, CLUW and AFL-CIO. They big time and make big money keeping racism alive and division among us with the NAACP, ACLU, BLM and ANTIFA.  They quick to the draw too when opportunity arises. Bitches got 911 on speed dial and apparently they have a direct line to CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS and NBC. The first alert to any slight  in the normal day to day affairs and these fuckers are on it. They bought up all the toilet paper three different times now, all the cleaning products, hand sanitizers, weather radios, batteries, those God Forsaken MASKS and now gasoline!

Jesus fucking Christ people. Give me a sign or some kind of heads-up when y'all about to do this shit! I'm riding along minding my own business, trying to STAY in MY LANE and next thing I know there's 120 cars and one moped lined up at QT waiting to get gas and I'm sitting there trying to ask Google assistant what the fuck I missed. Did we get bombed? , another virus?  Biden finally fell over? ... What happened Google? 

Finally Google says I found this on the web and spits up a page about a pipeline....

Jesus Christ! A. god damn pipeline got cyber attacked, it didn't break or spring a leak. We still have just as much oil as we had yesterday except now we can't get gas to the stores because there's 120 cars and that fuckin moped blocking the truck from getting in.

Well I know this...  this new breed of humans or aliemans or I'll just call them "Knots" as in not right, knot heads, not from here, not thinking about anyone but themselves, they all hang out on the Nextdoor app. You can see them in action there daily. Let one of the fuckers see a dog not on a leash and Karen is on it like old Avon on a blue hair church lady. Poor animal is being abused they say, probably never had his ass wiped properly, nobody picking up it's shit. Another Karen and Ken are forming a sub committee amongst the HOA to raise awareness, the poor animal is lucky to be alive, it didn't even have it's mask on. 247 comments on one thread about that damn dog.

 Lord don't let one see a litter of rabbits or a fawn, they got Chopper Nine, PETA and Eye Witness News on scene, Karen's got her husband in a hazmat suit trying to lure them in with carrots and not get human scent on them. She read that in her monthly wildlife newsletter. They are fucking crazy people

Good God almighty people. I can't take it anymore. Leave the dogs and other animals alone. You're not rescuing anything. You're baiting, luring in and capturing an animal minding it's own business, STAYING IN IT'S LANE and ultimately sending it to it's death when you can't find someone to adopt it. While I'm at it, stop calling it a fucking forever home. Gay ass shit. If it was forever then the shelters wouldn't be full of captured animals that were trying to get back to the only home they know.
JESUS!... Where are the fucking dinosaurs when you need one. Let Karen rescue a stray velociraptor, poor thing was  probably abandoned we'll tell her. That'll put a stop to this shit real quick.


Self Pity and keeping score

Don't know if you believe in God or have any kind of relationship with a higher power but if you do, imagine if God said "I don'...