Sunday, April 09, 2017

A woman's love

She caught my attention from the moment I first saw her,
The long blonde hair, her bright blue eyes, sophisticated, but sexy. 
Her laugh was addicting, she seemed confident and calm,
A hint of sarcasm, she knew what she wanted, she was a woman in charge.

My eyes, fixed on hers,
I couldn't look away,
I could feel something, building inside of me, a little intimidating I must say.

I could also sense her dis-ease,
Something bothered her, no doubt.
Unfamiliar place? Unfamiliar face? 
Not something she was used to,
She chews them up and spits them out.

What was it, then it hit me,
She sensed it too,
two alphas, male and female, in the very same room.
Senses peaking, ready to strike,
Watching the others every move,
Force of habit, watch and wait,
As if they had something to prove.

There was more to it, despite the tension,
An attraction they never felt,
To strong to ignore, to consuming to forget.
The odds against them, they didn't care,
Lovers from a past life? Soul mates?
Definitely something there.

Yet she had to go, he didn't want her to leave,
the words weren't there, it's all he could do to breathe.

he kept silent, thinking to himself, she was out of his class, an exotic beauty,
none other compared,
he didn't deserve her, he had nothing to offer, to someone so precious, so rare

His palms were sweating, heart racing, a loss for words, his confidence gone,
what should he say, please stay, that's what he wanted, stay for a while, don't leave, don't go home.

He walked her to her car, they were saying good bye,
will he see her again he wondered, he wanted to, he couldn't lie 

He wished that he could tell her
how he really felt,
Yet as hard as he tried, intimidation, fear, the words just wouldn't come out, like his tongue was tied.

With butterflies in his stomach, sweat on his brow, he blew his chance, as if he were a teenager in a dark corner, hiding, at the dance.

Then moments later, his phone rang, he didn't feel like talking, still he wondered who could it be,
He looked, it was her, why was she calling, he better answer and see. 

He answers, is everything ok, she said everything is fine,
theres just one thing I wanted to say,
It was you, sitting there, on the stool, she hesitated, I said what was it?
nevermind she said, now I feel like a fool,
Please tell me, what was it that you wanted to say.

She said, it's just, I wanted you to know, how inviting you looked,
i wanted to jump in your lap, you hold me tight, and never let go.

I said, I know the feeling, as I was looking in your eyes, so sexy, so blue,
I thought my God, you're beautiful, I feel lucky just being able to talk to you.

She said, What do you mean, you're saying I think I'm better than you or too good?
That's not very nice and actually quit rude.

No! That's not what I'm saying at all.... Before in person I couldn't get a word out but it's different with this call.

Whatever, ....(clunk)!

And so it began, from the beginning, one extreme to the other,
One day fighting, one day lovers,
So much hurt, so much pain.
One day sunshine, one day rain.

God when it was good, there was nothing else like it, you think could it ever get any better but I knew it never would.

Crazy, yes, that much is true
She'll have you second guessing everything you do,
The ups are so high, yet the downs are so low,
One day it's "get away from me", the other it's "don't go".

So what do you do, it's a woman's love no doubt,
It's seems every man can't seem to live without,

But then again, we can't seem to live with it either. One day we're out, the other back in, being cussed, called a liar and what else but a cheater.

Dammit son, what do you do, you tell yourself you love her,
she's telling you that is over,
Confusing at the least,
It's the God damn War of the Roses
So the Moral of the story, 

Next time you see a beautiful woman across the room, your heart is beating, you get up the courage to walk over,

STOP! turn your ass around and run for fucking cover!

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