Thursday, April 27, 2017

Cruel love with a sense of humor

You came into my life one night and caught me by surprise, you stole my heart like no other,

What followed next was blissful chaos, laughter, crying, joy and pain, one day fighting, one day lovers,

Till it came a day, we had enough, something's got to change, babe I'll do whatever, 

you said don't bother, I've made up my mind, I'm packing up, moving out, moving on, it's over.

I said, the fuck you say, you can't leave, I'm not done, Fuck that, I've had enough, I'm leaving you this time.

but our souls have had enough and decided they arent giving in.

Try all you want, do everything you must, you're  still not gonna win,

Your love is too strong, what tears you apart, also brings you back together 

So stop the fighting, quit the bickering, learn to give in, expect low, accept high, whatever,

whether you like it or not you're stuck with one another,

This life time plus many more. So slow down enjoy the ride, smell the Roses,

You're stuck with one another from now until forever....

©LH 2017

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