Wednesday, April 12, 2017


The pain from the heart is the worst anyone could ever feel. it hurts the longest, there is no relief from it, it makes a person do things they wouldn't normally do. It affects every area of a person's life, it affects a person's self esteem, their self worth, it can make one question life itself.

When a person loves another, they place the other person in a position of power. Sort of like putting an app on a phone. You give this app permissions. Permissions to access certain vulnerable, personal or private areas. True love requires permission to all. It won't operate on just one or with one missing. Love must have permission to access every area of your life, of your soul of your being. When we allow such permissions, we set ourselves up. We open ourselves up for an attack from the inside.

A person wants to trust that here is another person who says they love me and I want to trust that they would never use the permissions I give them against me but sometimes it will happen. We are lucky if we only experience it once or if ever, but for some, it can come again and again. When it does, we know immediately. We have felt the pain before. We know the storm that's coming. We throw up defenses and start locking down the hatches, rallying the troops. The enemy is within the borders.

Sometimes though it isn't intentional and hopefully it's quickly fixed before any damage occurs. Love has access to critical areas. This is why so many people are guarded and some may never truly feel what real love is because they will never allow complete access to these vulnerable areas. Real true love with power over a person's entire body, soul and mind can be a scary thing and this fear will keep many from ever experiencing it.

There's only one thing that can overcome that fear and allow us to feel the one and only thing we were ever supposed to feel since the beginning. The reason we are here, our sole purpose for life, to love, to feel love, to give love, to be loved. The one thing that can take away the fear we have is God. God is love. God is light. Just like light will shine into areas where we can't physically reach, so will God. God illuminates these dark areas. Light makes thing's visible. With the light, we can now see  thing's that are broken. Things causing us pain. Things causing us to have fear. God brings light on to these dark corners of our soul. He shows us areas that need repair. Light will expose areas that are scarred from past experiences.

Without light, without God, without love, we cannot heal. We will go through life suffering form the damage, trying to hide the scars, nothing will ever be changed, we will always feel the pain from these old and sometimes new wounds where we took chances on others and allowed them access into our lives. If God has this power to heal such deep wounds, if just a small key hole can allow enough light in to illuminate a dark room, imagine if we opened the door. Imagine if we opened our hearts and let God's light shine upon it, let God's love shine onto a heart that is broken, one that is scarred, one that has felt great pains such as rejection.

Rejection is the worst pain any person will ever endure. Rejection tells a person they aren't enough. It tells them they aren't attractive, they are ugly, unwanted and are doomed to a life of loneliness. It causes us to be overtaken by fears. Fear of beingalone, fear of judgement, fear of embarrassment. Sometimes we panic and go into recovery mode. We may do things we wouldn't normally do, trying to keep those things at bay.

IBy doing this, aren't we doing the same thing to God that we are having done to us? We are rejecting God. We are saying that we can handle this. We do it our way but find we can't handle it. The old saying, "we are thinking with our hearts and not our heads" or with rational thoughts wasn't just some words put together.

The heart is very capable of making decisions, probably more so than our minds, not all decisions, but those most important. That's why the critical decisions, the life changing decisions are left up to the heart. The day to day decisions we make are not suited for the heart. Getting up to go to work, taking care of ourselves, the maintenance decisions are for our minds. The common sense that seems not so common.

Our minds must take this back over and allow our heart the chance to heal. The fear prevents this and stands in our way. How do we overcome the fear? We don't, God does. Remember, God is the light that shines on the broken areas, God is the medicine, God heals the wounds and makes our heart able to love again.

We must have faith. Faith is the antidote to the poison of fear. Faith neutralizes fear and allows God to heal things. We must open the door, open our hearts, have faith in God and allow that light to shine on our hearts. We must give God permission. God's light will not shine into our hearts unless we let it. When we do, that light will touch the dark areas, we will feel it, we feel the warmth. We feel invigorated, we feel new again. we feel love. Our Father, God, loves us unconditionally. He does not give us more than we can handle. Sometimes when things seem like they are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.

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