Monday, December 26, 2005

My son Brodie

 Posted by PicasaThis was taken shortly before his mom started to get really sick and the cancer became more aggressive. A parents worse nightmare is to know one of your children are hurting and there's nothing you can do about it. I remember sitting in my room one night doing some invoicing for work and I heard what I thought was crying. I got up at be started down the hallway when I realized it was coming from Brodie's room. I went into his room and he was clearly upset. I asked him what was wrong. He looked up at me, tears running down his face and said "Daddy, don't let Mommy die". My heart felt like it was ripped from my chest and stuffed down my throat. Here lay this little boy who thought I was Superman and could do anything. He was scared his mom was going to die, no, he knew his mom was going to die and he wanted me to fix her. What do you say to that? I picked him up, held him tight and told him, son Mommy is still here, she hasn't gone anywhere. We don't know if she is going to die. We should be happy now and not sad because we still have her here with us. I know you want me to fix her but this is something for God. He's way better than me at fixing things. I tell you what, let's just ask him now if he will watch over Mommy and do what he can for her. We did. We prayed and asked God to take away any suffering or pain. We asked that his will be done and asked him to help us be strong and show us what we needed to do to make sure Mommy didn't worry about us. Help us to let Mommy know we were happy that she was still here, to not let her see us sad because we didn't want her to be sad too.  He tried, we tried. It was hard for a little boy his age to not be afraid of losing his mom, to hold back the tears. She knew. She knew all the kids were hurting. She was a strong woman. She lived years longer than they expected her to. It basically came down to the day when I had to sit on the bed, grab her by the hand and tell her it was ok to let go. She had been unresponsive for several days and I told the kids it was time to tell their mom good bye. They knew, of course it hurt but they had matured to the point of not thinking about themselves but thinking about their mom and what was best for her. After spending their last time with her, I asked them all to go outside and let me talk to her alone. I sat back down in the bed, held her hand and told her it was time for her to think about herself. She had given everyone more than anyone could have expected. She had suffered long enough. The kids were strong. Even through fighting cancer, she raised 4 babies to be strong just like she was. I felt her hand get tight around mine and I could see her relax. She finally could stop fighting. It was ok, we were proud of her. It was time to go and take care of Samantha, a daughter we had lost years before. She died that night

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