Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What's up

well....not sure what I'm doing here. I wanted to put up a site and I figured this was the easiest way, plus, anyone who wants can post comments on what I write or just say hello.

Don't be shocked with what you may see or read here. Like the title says, it's sort of my daily inventory so you may even read about yourself if you pissed me off today. I doubt I will admit when I'm wrong, ( usually I'm not <-----!), but I might. I will most likely blame everything on you people, especially the stupid, idiotic, no brain, self absorbed, cell phone talking, yuppie holiday drivers! ( <------ see what I mean)

Anyway, christmas shopping is done except for 4 gift cards, the gas company got my heat on, the kids are being about as nice to each other as can be expected since santa is watching and little man jesse gets to spend his first christmas with me and the kids, so it looks like I will make it through one more christmas without killing someone or myself (<----just kidding) or worst yet, going to jail, detox or mental health.

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Self Pity and keeping score

Don't know if you believe in God or have any kind of relationship with a higher power but if you do, imagine if God said "I don'...