Sunday, July 26, 2020

Ten absolute truths we must come to terms with to be ok:

Ten absolute truths we all must eventually come to terms with.....

1. Everyone doesn't have a heart as big as yours. 

.....Love unconditionally and give without expectation.

2. You will not get closure in every situation. 

....If you must have it, make it for yourself by letting go

3. No response is a response.

 ......Silence speaks louder than words. Hear what it is saying and quietly walk away...

4. You cannot change people no matter how hard you try. 

....You can let them be or move on.

5. Some people will not hear you regardless of how loud you speak, how caring and loving your tone or how eloquently you say it.

..... Listen to what that is telling you

6. If they wanted to they would. 

....Never chase or beg anyone

7. Some people will hold grudges against you for shit they did.

 ....You'll never vindicate it. Accept it and move on

8. The way they treat you is how they see you.

..... Know your worth.

9. If it keeps happening and they admit it,  it's a behavioral trait. If it becomes a pattern, they deny it and continue to do it, it's a tool. 

...Walk away, you don't need fixing 

10. No one will ever respect you if you don't respect yourself.

.... Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you and they will.


Was it me or you?

Most often when we have someone in our life that's toxic, when we manage to get away from that person we thank God for removing them from our life and may even feel vindicated.

 Have you ever considered the possibility that God removed you from their life.


What it's like to be you all day

I wonder what it's like to be you all day,
to see the things you see,
to hear the things you say. 

I wonder what it's like to be you all day,
to have no responsibilities,
no bills to pay. 

I wonder what it's like to be you all day,
to stay up all night
sometimes for days.

I wonder what it's like to be you all day,
no place to be, no schedule to keep,
nothing to do but play.

I wonder what it's like to be you all day,
to have no place to call home,
never knowing where you'll stay.

I wonder what it's like to be you all day,
no bed of your own,
no pillow where your head can lay.

I wonder what it's like to be you all day,
you don't work or have a job,
so you sleep the time away.

I wonder what it's like to be you all day
to not have any friends, no one to call and just say hey.

I wonder what it's like to be you all day,
I hope I'll never know,
the price too high to pay.

I'll tell you what I know,
I've tried helping you in so many ways,
but you take advantage of my kindness,
and then you run away.
I can't make you do anything,
I can only show you the way,
you probably won't listen,
but then again you may.
So I do what I can, but mostly I pray
and tell you that I love you,
there's not much more I can say.... 


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Afraid of being Alone

You can give all you have to someone, put everything you have into making a relationship work. You can be willing to change or make sacrifices and wemay have even done just that. You may come back time and time again, trying desperately to make things work, only to get feelings hurt or to be let down once again. It doesn't always mean that you are weak, afraid to lose them or that you're afraid of being alone. It doesn't have to mean that anything is wrong with you. 

Sometimes it may simply mean that you truly care about someone, to you they are worth fighting for or putting in the extra effort. Sometimes the hurt from the past, keeps them from moving forward in the future. You could see things in them they can't see, those sometimes subtle cries for help. It could simply mean you care more for them than they care for themselves and you aren't willing to let them just give up in life, but sometimes they may already have. 

We must draw a line somewhere. There has to be a point where we can say enough. We aren't responsible for any one but ourselves. We can offer help when someone needs it, we can love others enough for us both until they can once again love themselves, we can show them what unconditional love looks and feels like but if they aren't willing to change for themselves, aren't willing to match your efforts, aren't willing to even try, we have to let them go and move on. 

There are two kinds of people who say they aren't afraid of being alone. Those who are less afraid to be alone than they are afraid of having to look at themselves and make changes in order have relationships with others. Then there are those who really aren't afraid of being alone because they know it's temporary, if they're patient that right someone is going to come along. They use the alone time to look at themselves, to grow and mature, knowing they don't have to settle. They know they are worth the wait. 

You know you tried, but at the end of the day the only happiness we are responsible for is our own. If someone is more willing to run than they are to stay and fight, let them go. Ask yourself, are you afraid of being alone or more afraid of being hurt. When you can say to yourself neither, that's when you'll find happiness. 

Monday, July 20, 2020

The Wicked at work


1) Ask yourself why this response from the govt for covid19 and not *ANY* other virus the past 100 years. Covid19, like all viruses, attack the immune-compromised. This is unfortunate yet, it's the way viruses operate. So, while this is a different virus, it acts the same in who it takes down. 

2) Ask yourself why news stations are using hospital images from other countries yet the headlines read "overwhelmed hospital staff in New York fighting covid19." Why is the media taking clips of medical staff rolling down the hall with mannequins instead of real people? Dont take my word for it...look it up yourselves. 

3) Ask yourself why, at a time when America was experiencing solid economic health, stock & housing markets are booming, our president survived an assassination attempt via an "impeachment" trial, an election year....why was the response to a virus to shut down an entire nation? 

4) Ask yourselves why Doctors and Coroners are being directed *by our government* to lie. They are being told to pad the numbers. Why? Bc the numbers just arent supporting all this upheaval. They are being told to list all non murder deaths as covid19. Why? There are many reasons which I'll share throughout this. If you die of a heart attack, covid19. If you die of a stroke, covid19. If you die of pneumonia, covid19. That. Is. Insane. 

5) Ask yourself why patients who are placed on ventilators are dying AND ask yourself why is it that the govt put in place that no dr or hospital can be sued for wrongful death if they are a covid19 patient....AND then you will connect the dots as to why coroners and drs are being *ordered* to list all non murder deaths as covid19. The ventilators are death sentences bc the treatment is absolutely wrong. Drs are coming out sharing that high doses of *natural supplements* and oxygenation of the blood are showing a positive response in covid patients. Yet that doesn't line the pockets...and that doesn't give hospitals kickbacks.

6) Ask yourself why drs and nurses are speaking out revealing that they just arent seeing what is being reported? There are layoffs and cutting of hours bc hospitals across the nation are ghost towns...and not only in non-"hotspots."

7) Ask yourself why government authorities stand shoulder-to-shoulder from from one another, touching their faces, rubbing their eyes and noses, while demanding from the American people to socially distance, "6 feet apart and no groups larger than 10." Seriously?

😎 Brush up on history...World and American. I believe, and there is evidence abroad, that this virus was man made. Why? Because there are agendas deeply seeded within the wicked hearts of many. Power corrupts....absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

How do you control a people? 

With fear. 

When governing powers use fear, the people will surrender freedoms...willingly exchanging it for "safety." 

Study history.

9) Ask yourself if China wants another 4 years of Trump as President. Just research fair trade war...we were winning. 

10) Ask yourself why it is that Fauci is HEAVILY invested in the vaccine industry...bc the vaccine industry makes BANK. He is very close to Bill Gates...Bill Gates is, well, that's an entire post of it's own (research yourself). He is advising our entire country.

Look into the countries who are NOT listening to fear but rather choosing to go against these powers and keeping their countries open and operating. They give the information of covid and advise the immune compromised to consider staying indoors (like any other ole virus) but they are using herd immunity on the general, healthy population. Why? Bc history proves it works and guess what? It's working now. 

11) Ask yourself, while considering the fact that vitamins A, B, C, D and zinc strengthens the average person's immune system, why the government is heavily invested in "antibodies" tests and vaccines for covid19. Why are they going further with talks of an "antibodies/immunity registry?" The govt has NEVER been able to force vaccines...they are trying. Will you be able to return to work without a vaccine? Will students be able to return to schools without one? Are you willing to pump a foreign substance into your body which has not stood the test of time proving it's worth or risk?

12) Ask yourself if taking supplements makes the government money...or if vaccines do. If you're new to the truths found within the vaccine industry, brew a cup of coffee and familiarize yourself.

13) Ask yourself why they are pressuring President Trump to lift his refusal in allowing aborted baby tissue, cells, etc for the covid vaccine research bc they have expressed they *need* these aborted babies in order to create a covid19 vaccine.

14) Ask yourself why churches are closed yet kill mills (abortion clinics) remain open. Not for emergencies, not for those few cases the mother's health is in jeopardy but for business as usual. Why are liquor stores open yet we cannot sit inside our cars at our church parking lots without police officers showing up, recording license plates, issuing fines for noncompliance? One may say regarding the liquor stores remaining open, "well, addicts would go into withdrawls and overwhelm our hospitals." You mean the empty hospitals whose staff are scratching their heads at the lack of covid19 patients? Back to Church...why is it that socially distancing is not enough : socially distancing in vehicles, never exiting, while worshipping yet they are using this to encourage a police state? 

15) Ask yourself why they are encouraging the American people to rat out their neighbors regarding social gathering or illnesses? Why it is being entertained that if you do not report a sick family member it gives them the power to come into your homes and remove them. Can. You. Imagine? Hitler anyone? Last I checked it is my right to stay home, self quarantine, and treat my illness as I see fit...JUST AS I'VE DONE FOR MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. We don't use doctors for viruses...we stay at home, treat and recover without any vaccines or hospital intervention. 

16) Election there is a push for mailing ballots because "covid19 . Can you imagine the fraud? If you dont see a red flag in this, again, brush up on what party has been pushing for this for some time. I'm not saying this to divide...just being observant. 

There are SO MANY pieces to covid19. No one, including myself, has all the pieces in order to complete the puzzle. However, most Americans feel something is not quite that. It's called discernment. Observe, pray, listen, decide for yourselves.

Even though I felt in my heart to resist against the covid19 narrative, I complied so that I could have time to put some pieces together. Now, I'm listening to medical personnel who are being told to LIE....I'm listening to coroners who are being told to list *all non-murder deaths* as covid19 (very trustworthy, honorable, firsthand friends and family). I'm listening to the frontline workers who are revealing that the vents are not working but rather killing these patients....bc it's the WRONG TREATMENT. I'm listening to the drs and medical personnel who are as puzzled as we are...bc the numbers are simply NOT THERE. The news media is lying, the government is lying, and we are the ones who suffer....our families, ourselves, our communities, our states, our country, our economy. 

Buckle up and prepare...there are agendas and wicked hearts behind this. 

Brace for significant impact.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mary's puppies

Growing up Mary was sad, she was different than the other girls,
While they were blonde hair,  blue eyed and tan,
Mary was a red head ginger with curls. 

the girls would point, the boys would stare, it seemed worse with every day.
She never knew what prank they would pull,
or what one of them might say.

Mary would soon find out, it had nothing to do with her hair, 
the reason all the girls would point and all the boys would stare.

You see, Mary hadn't really noticed, what everyone else could see,
she had started to develop something quite extra-ordinary.

Many names they have been given, 
breasts, tits, boobs, pups, twins,  and mammaries, 
but just as the descriptions can be endless,
size neither adheres to boundaries.

As Mary continued to get bigger, from adolescence into her teens,
so did her companions, from C's to D's to E's. 

Until the day came, 
She was walking across the stage,
On graduation day from high school,
She noticed she liked what was happening, 
Thinking to herself this attention is pretty cool.

All the girls were jealous,
The boys whistling loud as could be,
As Mary walked across the stage with her bouncing doubled D's.

So from then on it was the stage life for Mary,
Dancing, splits and spinning around poles,
Ones, tens and twenty dollar bills,
all for playing a naughty little role.

They would no longer call her Mary,
that freckle faced little ginger  that wouldn't hurt a flea,
Mary was now Inga, the big breasted, horned cap wearing, Norwegian Viking from the Bering Sea. 

So thank goodness for Mary's puppies,
in the end they saved the day.
Her family no longer on welfare,
they even have a maid.

Nothing is too good for Mary, she can have anything she please,
As long as she keeps the puppies bouncing,
For all the men to see.

So every night that Mary turns into Inga,
she's keeping her bank account fed,
using the puppies as Viking hammers,
Hitting patrons over the head.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Narcassist Woman

We men sometimes have a REALLY hard time letting go of the woman who's made our life hell for the last days, weeks, months...or even years. What I've found is that we often fall in love with the woman who presented herself in her best light early on in the relationship.

She's EVERYTHING we ever wanted in a woman. She's loving, attentative, buys us gifts, hangs all over us in public, great wild sex, and she lets everyone know how amazing we are.

We think...SHE'S THE ONE! My  soulmate.

So when she pushes for commitment and even marriage in only a couple of months, we say, "But of course! This is the woman of my dreams!"

We may help her out with bills, or her car, or finding work, or watching her children. We do everything we can for her because she makes us feel amazing and it's worth it to us.

Slowly, over time, or maybe after just a few months, she starts to change. She's not as attentive, she's not as into intimacy, she isn't hanging all over us in public.

She starts to say that she's not this way because we aren't  doing things right. She will subtly and slowly blame us for her problems.

We think...maybe we can get back to that amazing place! I just need to fix a few things!

So we try harder and harder but she continues to slowly pull away from us.

We give her everything because she's saying it's us that is the problem. We chase after her being everything she wants.

She gets more and more angry at us.

We may notice that she's texting other guys...and she calls us crazy. She says they are just friends, and why are we even paying attention to what she's doing anyway!  It's
none of our business.

We are crushed to find out that she's been spending a lot of time with these guys. Her phone has become more important than her own kids, much less us and we can't for the life of us understand what it is she sees in these guys.

When we bring it up, she snaps our head off. She can do no wrong, and we are the problem. She says she can't take it anymore. The gas-lighting continues, until she screaming for us to leave her alone. She calls us crazy. She wants nothing else to do with us. She says to never contact her again. We're devastated, still trying to figure out what just happened. Where did we go wrong? 

Within a week she's moved in with the other guy. It's over between us. She even threatens if we ever contact her again she going to file harassment charges. In fact, she's now saying to her new boyfriend that we were abusive! She's even considering a restraining order. The new boyfriend may even call and threaten us. If we remember back when we first met her, we may even recall a similar situation where she was telling us how her ex abused her. At the time we were thinking how could someone hurt such an innocent, beautiful and caring women. We may have even wanted to call and threaten her ex ourselves but she kept insisting to just leave it alone. If we went out we even avoided going anywhere we could possibly cross paths with him. She wouldn't even drive down the street he lives on saying it brought back too many bad memories. She's now doing and saying the same things to her new man about us.

None of it makes absolutely any sense! We gave her everything!

She's telling everyone we know how we were the one who cheated and tells everyone that we are doing what she's actually doing.

We can't understand what happened. 

Why can't we get over her? 
Why can't we just move on? 
Why do we still think it can work out?

We don't realize that our soulmate is simply a soul taker.

The problem is that we fell in love with THE MASK. She became a chameleon and pretended to be everything we ever wanted. When she felt we were totally hooked, she started to take off the mask, because it's exhausting pretending to be someone you aren't. The cracks in her facade start to show.

But we fell in love with the mask. The masked woman was never that woman to begin with. We've fallen in love with the picture she placed in front of us.

We can't understand why we can't get back to that amazing place where we were in the beginning.

Unfortunately, it was all a lie. She was never that woman. It was all an elaborate scheme to get us to fall under her control, just so she could feel validated by us, get free stuff, and favors. She took complete advantage of our love and loyalty.

 Letting go of the masked woman is hard and some of us aren't able to do it. It takes work, hard work. It takes being honest with ourselves and facing reality, the truth.

Having been through such an ordeal it's now difficult to find another woman and live the life you've always wanted. Most of us are actually prone to repeat the same thing again with other toxic women and infidelity. Often times even going back to the same one in hopes that she will change.

We need time, a lot of time, to heal. Not only to get over the hurt, but to stop blaming ourselves, to find ourselves again, to get our confidence back, to learn to be ok with ourselves. 

Once we do, we get to a point when we can date again and possibly have the women we've always wanted. Real women, who value loyalty and communication, who own up to their problems and can actually say, "I'm sorry."

We can then work on trust so that we don't destroy future relationships. We have to remember that we were left with the ptsd of emotional abuse that the soul taker left us with.
 Once we do,  we can have an amazing, trusting relationship.
It's only then we can say we've moved on.

This is all from personal experience. Not all Narcassists are men. Women aren't the only ones in relationships that experience abuse. Abuse is not limited to being physical.

Recovery begins with severing all contact. Do not look back. Stop thinking she will change. Start thinking about you. Give yourself time to heal.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Part of the problem

Most of you that know me, know that I don't have much of a filter when it comes to the shit I say. If it's the truth you want, I'll tell you, if not, then I'm not the one to ask.

With that said, read at your own discretion. I already know there are some that will disagree. I'll go ahead and get this out of the way too. Call me racist, prejudice or whatever, to me it's only a label and I couldn't care less. Labels do nothing but divide us.

Agree or not, we are all prejudice in one way or another.  We prejudge things everyday as precaution, if not we wouldn't have survived as a species.  We use actions and the things people do, the way they interact with and treat others to make those judgements that will determine how we interact with and treat them. If you say you don't you're lying.

 It's when we use labels that either someone has placed on others, you placed on yourself or society has given you, that it's wrong. Anyone else's opinion of someone should have no bearing on how I see or treat you.

This is how I currently see what is happening in this country.  If you are participating in the current protest going on and part of that participation involves looting stores, destruction of property or any other type of violence, YOU ARE part of the problem this country faces and you should be arrested and punished accordingly no matter what color or race you are. There are no excuses for that behavior other than ignorance and that's not an excuse, it's a reason.

If you are using social media to spread propoganda, lies or for no other reason than to condemn those you oppose without actually doing some research on your own to find the truth, YOU ARE part of the problem. You're nothing but a HATER, just as ignorant as those looting. You should be pointed out and encouraged by those who are trying to bring about change, to be ignored.

If you are white and you don't believe white privilege exists, you are wrong and part of the problem.

If you are black and you believe that all white people are racists, you are wrong and part of the problem.

If you are white and you believe that racism doesn't still exist, you're part of the problem.

If you are black or white and you don't believe that prejudice towards whites exists and that whites are not also discriminated against, you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe All lives matter, you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe that there is an epidemic in this country where currupt police are singling out black people and using unnecessary force against them to the point that the American people need to be shouting back that Black lives matter too, you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe that police officers are put into stressful situations where adrenalin and fear is escalated, causing them to have to make decisions that could result in the loss of life and that these situations aren't unnecessaryily instigated by those people being questioned or from bystanders, then you are part of the problem.

If you think that all situations that result in extreme force or death by police officers are caused by these instigators and some of them are not because of bad cops abusing their authority, then you are part of the problem.

If you don't think that there needs to be a change in how police officers are selected, hired, trained and undergo periodic evaluation into the ability to perform their job, then you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe there are people with personal or political agendas who are capable of using the media, organizations, government or individuals to carry out those agendas by putting hits on people, starting riots, spreading propoganda, terrorist attacks, mass killings, the spreading of infectious diseases, perpetuating racism and inciting violence, then you are part of the problem.

If you don't believe that those very people I just mentioned who have political or personal agendas do not use the media, organizations, government or individuals to control us on a daily basis, to keep us divided and at odds, against one another, then you are part of the problem.

If you can't see what is happening, if you can't see that this is much bigger than George Floyd being killed, if you can't see that this is more than police violence against blacks, if you can't see how this is an attack on the American people, an attack on the rights of everyone, black and white, if you can't see that everything that is happening in this country right now is political, if you can't see that all of this is an attempt by the elite, by those one percent who have all the money, that own the media, that own the banks, that own and control our government, to gain back the control they have steadily been losing these last 4 years, control of us, then you are part of the problem.

If you as an American citizen don't stop believing what the media is forcing down our throats, if you don't stop participating in their games, blindly following the lies they are telling you, quit giving into their efforts to divide us, quit wearing the labels they place on us, stop hating one another based on what they tell us and somehow, someway come together as one, unite against our true enemy, our common enemy, those one percent trying to control us, then you are part of the problem.

So what is the problem? Everything I just mentioned, all of the above. We are being divided everyday as a nation in every way possible. We were hit by a virus that has killed tens of thousands. We have lost jobs and become dependant on the government. Small businesses across the nation have went out of business. We have been quarantined and isolated from one another. We have been locked away in front of our televisions and subjected to subliminal ads, propoganda and instructed how to go about our daily lives. We have been given new routines, routines that limit our interactions with one another. We have been shown and continue to be shown situations to provoke us, to cause us to fight among ourselves.  We continue to be subjected to the things that are known to cause division between us and to perpetuate it even further. We are being divided down political lines, racial lines, generation lines, personal identity lines. Everywhere you turn in American right now it is black vs white, left vs right, public vs police, young vs old, straight vs gay, religious vs non religious, generation vs generation, any way you can think of us to be divided, we are being divided. 

Our military and police, those very things that are supposed to protect us, are now in high alert, in full riot gear and everyday are being poked at like a honest nest. 

They are being pushed to limits, too the point where even good cops are getting frustrated. Good cops are getting attacked and killed, to where they are now in fear of their life. I'm sure there are those that will say GOOD, now they know what it feels like to be in fear of their life. If you think that way, you are part of the problem. 

It's much bigger than that. What's going to happen when those cops are given the order to turn against us? When curfews are put in place, when it's no longer a free country, when you aren't allowed to protest, when your voice is no longer heard and no longer matters, when we are under Martial law. A time when we need those good cops on our side. Under martial law there is no longer freedom, we have no rights. Everything is shut down. Radio and TV is censored, no internet. There are no courts, no habeus corpus. Everyone is subject to military law and tried by a military tribunal. All government is now controlled by the president and appointed military commander with no public participation or representation, no transparency and no consequences or accountability afterwards. 

Do you think our right to bear arms is going to be of any use against our military? Especially when they are already preparing, are on alert and ready for an attack. Twenty two states have already activated and called up their national guard. If you can't see all of this happening and playing out, if you don't believe it's possible, if you think this can't happen, you are part of the problem.

All of this, the way we are divided, the way we continue to divide ourselves further, the way we are being control, the way we blindly follow along.,...


Open your eyes America. To the youth of this nation, you have taken up a cause, something that has lit a fire in you. You're tired of sitting silent, you're tired of being ignored. Your passion is commendable. You have been heard. Don't be blinded by that passion, don't be misguided by the very thing you are fighting against. Don't underestimate their ability to sway you. Don't ignore or turn against those generations before you. 

 United we stand, divided we fall. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Prophecy 2020

I recently watched a video sent to me by a friend concerning events happening in America such as the protest that are going on and the changes that are taking place. The video was made by a man in Kentucky who said he was a pastor. He didn't claim to be a prophet, he wasn't trying to sell anything, he wasn't pushing God or religion, simply he felt it was his duty to share about 3 dreams he had recently concerning the current events and those to come.

In the video, he basically said he had a dream in December of 2019 and in the dream he saw a calendar in which the months of March and June were pointed out. In the dream he saw in those months the very things we experienced and have taken place already. He claimed that everything he saw in the dream had come true.

Just this past week he said he had 2 other dreams in which the months of September and November were pointed out. In those months he saw that we would experience a total break down of our economy and system of government. He went into more detail but that basically sums up what he said. It would be total chaos with the worst happening in November and the end result being America occupied by NATO, Chinese and Russian forces. He didn't comment if they were hostile forces but that America would be in civil war and the country we once knew would no longer exist.

Here's where I stand. I absolutely believe this country is about to and is going through major changes. I don't think we have seen the worst of it yet. 

I was raised Christian and taught to believe in God. As I have gotten older I've come to believe that there is truth to what the Bible teaches but I feel a lot of it is misinterpreted and there is much more to it than we realize. I do believe there is something more than our existence on Earth and it's not as simple as heaven and hell. I believe we have a soul or energy and our bodies are just a temporary vessel. I believe we each have free will and the things we do in our lifetime have an impact on that energy once it leaves our body after death. Those are just my beliefs, my opinion and I have nothing to prove its the truth. It's the answer that for me has satisfied questions I have had all my life, although since I don't have proof I still remain open minded and convinced there is much more I don't know. 

Since I was a small child I have always felt different. I feel like I don't belong here but there is a purpose for my being here. I don't identify myself as an empath or psychic because I think labels such as that are only an extension of our egos although I have had and still have times where I possess knowledge of events or things I shouldn't have. I have a very strong intuition and I'm very good at reading people. I'm very sensitive to others emotions to the point I avoid certain situations or events such as funerals or wakes. I've had several times when I felt overwhelmed to give complete strangers knowledge that made absolutely no sense to me but made perfect sense to them. So when someone says they had a dream or were someway given information that they felt a need to tell others, I don't discredit that.  

What I personally will never do that I'm also skeptical of coming from others is when someone claims to be able to see future events at will, tries to give anyone advice on a decision or in any way claims to have some special power unique to them as if they are some chosen prophet. 

There are a lot of people who identity as empath or say they have psychic abilities and claim to know about future events. There are those who say they can talk to spirits or have these so called super powers. Most I've listened to it's more like those are things they want or use for attention. It's like it gives them an ego boost or they use it as a way to compensate for feeling some way. I personally believe no human being alive can honestly say what the future holds, what happens to us after we die or if there are forces or dimensions existing along with us that we can't see with certainty. I do believe some of us feel things that others don't. As I said, I know I do but I have to be careful with that because I can convince myself anything is real if I believe it and talk about it long enough. I also believe in the law of attraction where we can manifest things in our life both good and bad. What I don't believe is that no one can predict the future. Crystal balls are bullshit. I do believe in the Tarot but too many times I hear people talk about getting bad news from it. For me, nothing negative comes from the Tarot because that would be predicting something that hasn't happened. The tarot may reveal to you something that you don't want to hear but the Tarot is about showing me things I'm going through that could be causing issues for me, helping me to see the negative things I may be doing and helping me to turn those negatives into positives.

 I believe the pastor in the video. I believe he had those dreams, but one thing I also believe is everything he predicted has the possibility of happening but has just as much chance of not happening. It's one possible outcome of infinite.  The guy in the video was warning everyone and telling them to prepare or brace themselves for a very chaotic time and dealing with evil forces. Again, he wasn't pushing people to get saved or believe in any certain religion but more as a warning to be prepared with food, shelter and protection for their families. It was very convincing but for me, my gut keeps reminding me that the future cannot be predicted. It hasn't happened yet so it can't be seen. Each of us I believe has free will and any future we have can change at any moment. If that weren't the case then we are all living a scripted life so what is the point of even existing. That would only make us some type of game piece for whoever wrote the script.

 I've come to believe that everyone here regardless of any labels we have put on ourselves or by any difference that we use to separate and divide us, we all have one thing in common, we all have a desire to be loved. Love is the only constant that never changes. It's more than a feeling. It's like saying there is no such thing as cold, it's only the absence of heat or there is no such thing as dark, it's only the absence of light so that would mean there is no such thing as evil or negative, it's only the absence of love. So much love has been removed from this world that it has left behind evil and chaos so the solution would be to fill everything with love once again. A vision of future chaos tells me there isn't enough love in this world.  That needs to be changed. Love unconditionally, practice forgiveness, patience and tolerance. Remain willing and open-minded to learn new things. Have high acceptance of things out of our control and lower expectations. Stay humble and help others. That's is the only love that will save us.

LWH 2020

Self Pity and keeping score

Don't know if you believe in God or have any kind of relationship with a higher power but if you do, imagine if God said "I don'...