Thursday, May 03, 2018

Love will save us

There's 3 kinds of people on this Earth, all three divided,, regardless of age, race, creed, sexual orientation or any other deciding factor other than their belief of, or lack of belief, about how we got here. What I'm going to share with you here is my opinion based on my own observations and beliefs about the 3 main or largest groups comprising of most of the world's population. Then you have those people who don't fit into either of those 3 groups.

So these 3 kinds of people or these 3 groups are;

1. The scientific community, who believe we have evovled from a tiny spark (atom) that we can't see that came from billions of miles away out of a big explosion, landing on what would eventually become Earth, which at the time was basically a round ball of do-do that got to just the right temperature to cause that spark to fuck a piece of dust, that it just so happen to land beside. From there it had a family that also fucked and through incest weird shit happened and formed strange things never seen before,  like water and trees and oxygen.  All of those things started fucking and made little baby trees and fish and fucked up looking lizard things that lived under water and over the course of millions and millions of years a whole bunch of weird shit never before seen anywhere came from all this fucking, things like dinosaurs and plants, but then another explosion here caused a big smoke screen which blocked the sun and froze everything to death. The smoke finally cleared, the sun came out, thawed everything which went back to fucking again and before long, we came out of a monkeys ass, they think but don't really know because they aren't sure what fucked the monkey because it's missing, which I don't blame it. If I fucked a monkey I'd leave too, but here we are, the human race in all its Glory. You may ask, "how do we know all that happened?". Well.. Simple. The scientist have this big telescope that can see so far away that it can actually look back through time, all the way back millions and millions of years to when that explosion happened and see the whole ordeal going down. Sort of like an instant replay.

2. Next, over on the other side, you have the religious people who believe we were created by this old dude who sits on this big throne made of gold, up in the clouds. He has all these angels that fly around helping him and he's got this big stick he carries with him. One day he decided he wanted something to do, sort of like a hobby, so he got to waving his big stick around. First he created the heavens and Earth. Then he decided Earth would look cool with some mountains, but then it needed some water because that was too much dirt. It still didn't look right so he planted all kinds plants and trees. When he finished it looked like a crew of Mexicans had just come in and landscaped the whole place in a day. It still needed something, so he made all these animals and bugs to enjoy this nice landscaping. Then he put fish in the ocean like goldfish in a bowl but it still wasn't enough. That's when he came up with the idea of a man. Somebody to take care of the place, so he made a man and called him Adam. Sort of sounds like what the scientist called theirs don't it, Atom. Then he thought, he didn't want Adam to be lonely so he took one of Adams ribs and made him a woman to keep him company. He was happy now. Earth had everything it needed. He was leaving and told Adam and Eve, it's yours, the whole place, you take tomorrow off and rest, come Monday you do whatever you want the place just don't do one thing. Adam said what's that? The old man said whatever you do, do not eat those apples. They said no problem, the old man throws them the keys, waves his stick and he's gone. Well, one of those angels he left to sort of watch over things got to talking with Eve one day and was asking her about the Apple. Wonder why the old man don't want you to eat the apple? Well this didn't set right with Eve. She got to thinking about it and says something to Adam. Adam said don't eat the apple, just forget about it. Well..Eve just couldn't let it go and one day she decided she was going to eat the apple. Well good God Almighty Jesus Christ you would of thought somebody turned the lights out the moment Elvis walked in. The old man went to raising hell, literally, sent that angel to hell for instigating the whole thing, gave Eve a fat ass and titties, then told her you think you know what's best, from now on you can do the work and told her she would have to give birth and carry the baby inside her for 9 months. She cried and then he told Adam, you gotta live with her. Well Adam was a little turned on by Eve's new big ass and titties so they went to fucking and before you know it, there's people everywhere. Well, the old man, who they call God now because that's all Eve kept hollering while they were making and having those babies so it just sort of stuck, like a nickname, but the old man, God, he felt bad for doing them like that plus things were getting a little out of hand, so he decided to pick through and get out all the good stuff, flood the whole place, clean it up real good and just start over.  He did, gave them a set of rules and left again. Well, once again, nobody listened. He was fed up so he told his son, you deal with it this time. Well Jesus was a hippie and a little more easy going than God and he was to come down, chill with the people, get him a few helpers and try to teach the people how to live. Well that didn't go well, they tried to kill him. Well God said that's it mother fuckers, I'm taking the whole place out. Pop it like a pimple on a fat man's ass but Jesus said don't do it Daddy. Give em one more chance and he did. He said you just remember, it's my son that saved y'alls ass and I'm gonna judge every one of you by how grateful you are.  If you don't do right you gonna go to same place I sent that last asshole that fucked with me and trust me, it's hell where he's at.  So here we are, but there's all kinds of versions to the story and some shit had got lost and some of the story changed so the religious people are sort of divided within their own group because they aren't real sure exactly what to do and are just making it up as they go which pissed some off, so they left and made their own book telling what happened and they been fighting about that for that last 2000 years ever since they almost killed Jesus.

3. So now that leaves the third group of people and they are called athiests. Well, they don't NOT believe but they don't believe either. They think that both the other two groups are full of shit, especially the religious crowd but they really don't give a shit one way or the other, it's basically we're here, does it really matter how we got here, just deal with it.

Now seriously though, all joking and sarcasm aside, here's the problem. Each group strongly believes the other groups are wrong. So much so that it keeps millions of people at odds, countries, Nations and entire races of people at war and has been for thousands of years.  Each group chooses to focus on, not what they can agree on,  but they focus on everything they disagree on. They refuse to see a very simple solution to every problem they've ever had. The simple fact that if they would each only believe in the one thing each and every one of us have in common, many or most of our problems would go away and that one simple thing is that......We all want to be loved.

If everyone believed in love and focused on love, we would all be united as one. Isn't that what motivates most all religions to even worship a  God or deity?  Do the scientists not believe that the desire to be loved is what makes humans the only organism on this planet to seek only one mate and remain monogamous?  I'm sure just because an Athiest has no opinion one way or another about how or why we're here, they still wouldn't mind feeling a little love from another.

Here's the crazy part. Each group believes in love to some degree within their own group and it unites them. Each group believes that's what their core being is supposed to do. Hate and evil or ill will is punished.

God says love one another, evolution gave us the ability to love and loving is simply part of our existence. All 3 groups are actually all right in their individual beliefs if they would get down to the core of what it is that they all actually believe but they choose to not see that and refuse to accept the others groups. They willfully and intentionally set themselves apart to be different.

We will die off, fade away and come back again and again if it takes billions of years until the day we get it right and accept the only thing that we all have in common, agree on it, accept the differences or just realize that there really are no differences, there are simply tales, educated guesses, doctrines, hypothesis and a good bit of just plain ignorance, but no actual facts or proof of anything other than a desire in each and every one of us to be treated fair, respected, wanted and loved. Not to be singled out, divided, isolated and sent to be alone.  The world will become unlike anything we could even imagine if we all followed and lived by that golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Humanity will keep repeating the same thing over and over until we do. The Bible says that but we choose to not hear it. Science proves it but we ignore it. Our minds tell us that but we don't believe it. 

I believe it and I believe I'm here to help others believe it. Not by preaching it, or testifying or forcing it on anyone, but by simply trying to live a life knowing God is love, love is what gives us life and our existence is that simple. The downside of that is I don't fit into any of the molds that the 3 groups create so I'm considered a rebel, I'm labeled, it causes me great difficulties, at times a lot of personal doubt, it hurts my relationships with others but I somehow get through it and in the end I always end up in the same place, at peace with myself, the fact that I may have somehow touched the life of another and shown them love, maybe caused someone to think different bringing some peace in their life and being of service to as many people as I can. No one should ever feel alone, unloved, worthless, no one should ever be deprived, hungry, uncared for. No one should ever be lost, abandoned or confused about who they are. Those are the people I look for, those are the people who are disciples, those are the people who need to know they have a purpose, there's nothing wrong with them, those are the people who don't belong to any of the 3 groups, the people who have been to that place in life where the only thing they had left was a beating heart not realizing they had much more, the one thing we all have in common, love, because even though they were on bottom, lost everything, had nothing, they still had the desire and willingness to help another who may be a little worse off than they are. Those people that we shun, lock away, ridicule and judge are the people who will save us. 

I'm happy when I help people. It's my purpose. I end up in different places. I don't know where I'll end up this time. Ive spent my life chasing the one thing I try to give others. I forget what I'm taught and that the only way to receive love is to give it. If I desire to take someone's pain away, I have to be ready to feel that pain with them and I do. I feel pain, a lot of pain everyday, I start believing it's mine and some of it may be, but for the most part I feel the pain of others.
People say why would you do that? Because when you help someone, willing to feel their pain and take it upon yourself, you are replacing it with love. Something they couldn't do for themselves. Now that they have love, they can go and give it away to someone else who needs it like they did, they must or they will eventually lose it. When they see another hurting or needing love, they go and give that person their love.
It spreads and grows. We must keep it going, if not we'll lose it.

That is God, that is evolution, that is creation, that is neither believing or not believing but simple doing.

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