Saturday, March 24, 2018

Letting Go or Holding On

  They say letting go of something is the hardest thing you'll ever do. In that case then, I'll say trying to hold on to something is the most painful thing you'll ever do. 

  We try to hold on to be people that for whatever reasons no longer want to be there, begging them for another chance, they just aren't willing. We aren't thinking about what's going to happen or all those processes of grief from a breakup that we are going to go thru, at least not right then as we are holding tight.  Right now we're feeling rejected, unwanted, not good enough. We go from sad to angry to sad again, a million times.

 It's only a short time before reality sets in. We get a little past that initial shock and think about what's going on around us and who all this will effect. What is everyone else gonna think? What are our families going to say? 

Then here comes the embarrassment. Not being able to keep a girlfriend is disappointing, not being able to make something work is frustrating, doing something to fit in and it only separates you further is confusing. We hold on to something because we think it makes us who we are. We try to convince ourselves we can make it work. We may even go another direction and start blaming people, we get angry, resentful, vindictive. We will start feeling sorry for ourselves. We make ourselves a victim. It's all those feelings and emotions that hit us when we least expect that cause us so much pain. At the time it seems easier to hold onto the very thing causing that pain because as long as we have it close we can manage it but the moment we let it go is when we have to feel those raw emotions all the way through to the end.

 So someone may ask why would we hold on to something if we know it is going to continue to cause us pain? Because of fear. Sometimes its fear of being alone. Sometimes it's fear of change, sometimes fear of failure, fear of who we'll become. Either way we must let go of the fear. If we don't it will surely kill us or at the least make us wish we were dead..
 Some will come out of the gate hard saying things like fuck that bitch, I ain't scared of shit, but then go off and isolate, searching for some kind of clue, still asking why. Some may even find an immediate substitute, whether it's a person or drug or whatever is making our life unmanageable. We may convince ourselves it's a solution but we are really just swapping one pain for another.

The only answer is we must face our fears. Fear has to go we must get rid of it but we don't know how. What do I do where do I start.. Some will say pray, turn it over to God. Have faith that God will take care of us and give us everything we need. Faith that we don't need some one or some thing to complete us and make us who we are.

It's when we have faith, face our fears, let go and let God into our lives that we find acceptance, we find peace, we gain strength and we start moving in a positive direction.

If there's something in your life today that's causing you pain, frustration, rejection, anger, sadness.....quit holding on to it. Let it go. Let God work in your life and be your guide to those things that bring us true happiness."

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