Sunday, December 06, 2020

Growing up

At a certain point, hopefully right now, we need to grow up. We need to listen to that voice of reason inside of us. We need to trust it.

We know everything there is to know about ourselves, the thing is that there is much that we don't want to know. 

We know deep down that there are things in our life that are working and there are things that aren't working. There are functional things and dysfunctional things. 

It's human nature to not want to look at those things that aren't working. We pretend they aren't there or we convince ourselves that we can fix them.

Growing up is about having the courage to face those things we are in conflict with. We can take a self inventory if we are unsure. The main thing is that we bring them to the light. We see them for what they are, we own them and we get rid of them by confessing them to someone else and asking God to help us get rid of them. 

It takes willingness, faith, courage and trust but in the end the freedom we gain is worth it. 

We are free to be ourselves. No longer chained to old behaviors. We no longer have to wear masks. We no longer have to accept being treated less than.

 We gain humility, knowing we are no longer less than but remembering that we are no better than. We are all equal and we make mistakes but having grown up, we now learn from those mistakes rather than continue to repeat them. 

When I feel like I'm at a dead end road in life, I'm getting nowhere or going in circles, that's not the time to just give up but it is time to surrender. Surrender my will, my way of doing things. It's time for a change. It's time to grow up. 

Growing up means maturing, allowing ourselves to be taught, being willing to take an honest look at ourselves, owning what we see both good and bad, learning from our mistakes, admitting when we're wrong then trying to make things right and making an effort to continue doing these things.  When we do that circle will straighten out, we'lll get off of that Dead end Street and start living life again but this time a life worth living.

LWH 2020

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