Monday, November 23, 2020

Life is a choice

Life can be anything you want it to be. It's about having faith. Faith isn't about wishing and hoping, faith is about knowing 100% that whatever you need you will get and not worrying or thinking anymore about it. You have to believe and trust. Anything less, any doubt, it will never happen. The moment you start saying I need this, I need that, nobody cares about me or life is always going to be this way, then that's exactly how it will always be. There is a universal law of attraction, God or whatever you want to call it that knows all your desires and will give you anything you want. It's a universal law just like gravity, what goes up must come down. The universe is full of these laws that happen in our lives every day without us even realizing it. They happen 100%, one hundred percent of the time without fail. If you can think it you can have it, but not if you are anything less than 100% trusting and knowing that you will get it. Any doubt and all you will ever have is a want or a need for whatever it is that you desire most. 

Every morning that you wake up you have a choice of what you want from life but only if you believe it and live it. If you want to be the happiest person in the world, start living your life as if you were the happiest person in the world already and you will become the happiest person in the world. If you don't want any struggles, live your life like you don't have any struggles and your life will become struggle free. If your health is bad, live your life like you don't have any health issues and you will become healthy but nothing will come true if you don't believe it will.

 Life is a choice. Every person is who they are because that is exactly who they strive to be or they believe that's all they will ever be. 

LWH 2020

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Self Pity and keeping score

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