Friday, June 22, 2018

A Broken Heart

When you feel like you have nothing left, remember... It's a fact of life, people will lie and cheat. They will stab you in the back. They will tell you they love you even though they don't. Getting your heart broke is a chance everyone takes if they ever want to experience real love, the kind you feel, not the kind you say.

Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole barrel. Keep moving forward and living life without regret, forgive those that hurt you and let go of any resentments, leaving the past in the past.

Why? .... because not everyone wants to use you.  There are people out there who do love you. People who would never dream of hurting you. If you're still carrying resentment, these people will pay the price for that damage from your past, making you the liar, cheater and the one whose breaking hearts.

Let God into your heart. Have faith that you'll find each other. Don't fear being alone, trust the process and be patient. God will show you the path to take. God will tell you everything you need to know to find the one you're looking for, but you must be silent in your thoughts and with love in your heart to hear it.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, you are absolutely right, you can't judge everyone based on your past experiences.


Self Pity and keeping score

Don't know if you believe in God or have any kind of relationship with a higher power but if you do, imagine if God said "I don'...